How Billionaires Cannot Be Trusted Because They Only Care About Hurting Us
They have enough power and status that they don’t need political office to help repair our society
One of the most glaringly obvious, and malicious deceits that I’ve seen in my life as an American is this absurd belief that billionaires will ever so much as lift a finger to help anyone other than themselves. Billionaires, by definition, do not need to hold political office to be of benefit to our society. Billionaires, by definition, have access to enough social power that they can affect change without the assistance of government.
If billionaires were going to help regular, working-class people, they already have the power to do so. They can raise wages. They can implement superior health care programs within their businesses. They can offer scholarships. They can completely reform their communities. They already have that power. But they perform none of those works
It should be obvious to everyone that we should never elect billionaires and give them the additional power of government. The purpose of the government is to protect us from all threats foreign and domestic. But for some reason, the American public can’t understand that billionaires represent a domestic threat.
Why aren’t they helping?
If helping humanity was their ambition, they’d already be doing it. But open your eyes! They’re focused on doing the opposite. They don’t even make it a secret.
For three political cycles, we’ve had a candidate that claims to be a billionaire, and throughout this whole time, the argument about why he’s not helping has never been discussed. He’s already got the power to help. What good works does he have to his name?
The modern problem, in large part, started with Reagan. The concept of trickle-down economics, was almost miraculous in how appallingly offensive it is. Yet, The American people were ignorant enough and entitled enough to fall for it, and here we are. Today, we have a national debt that threatens to implode not only our country but the whole world.
We’re dead set on the artificial construction of unworthy billionaires even if it means the end of the human race.
Useless, useless.
It’s a lie to say the government is a threat to freedom
Deep down you know that a billionaire is never going to help you. They wouldn’t even pass you a glass of water if you happened to be sitting next to one at a dinner table. But we tolerate them as a consequence of the overwhelming flow of misinformation.
The American people are constantly subjected to this nonsense about how the government is inefficient. You hear how the government is a “threat” to freedom. Yeah, it’s a threat to enemies of our country. That’s why billionaires disparage the government with their media outlets. They publish lie, after lie, after lie so that we can’t distinguish our friends from our enemies.
All these fraudulent arguments create a vast web of deceit, and the American public has been caught up in it and dragged to the depths. We’re slowly, and painfully drowning
Rarely do people give voice to rational arguments. For example, calling the government an enemy is a contradiction because we’re also told that we need to revere the military. But is not the military the government? Of course it is! It’s the right arm of the government!
Respecting the military means respecting the government
When people say you should be mistrustful of the government, they’re disrespecting the military. But this is one of those instances where disrespect of the military is applauded and encouraged. The American people have their thinking so contorted that they disregard this blatant contradiction.
If your argument is that the government is bad then you are arguing to defund the military. You’re arguing to defund the police.
But billionaires want the military and the police, because they want to control the government and use the institutions of the government to suppress the people.
So, we must look at this argument that claims the government is bad. We have to recognize that the only time this argument is applied is when the government takes action to help working class people. When it takes action to ease the suffering of decent people, the government is attacked. The only time the government is called “bad” is when it appears to be a threat to billionaires.
That’s it.
Citizens deserve protections from predatory healthcare
Consider the appalling absurdity of our healthcare system. It’s offensively bad. We pay more than any other nation and we receive substandard care. Where does the money go? The money goes to the artificial creation of billionaires, at the cost of our pain and suffering. But we can’t even begin a conversation about healthcare reform because the billionaires own all the networks and just over half of the politicians.
In various ways, I’ve been fighting for healthcare reform my whole life. But it’s time to stop dancing around the issue. We need regular people to get in the habit of demanding that our government implements universal healthcare. We want the same quality healthcare that our elected politicians get. They’re not scared of government run healthcare when it comes to their health. So we’ve got to stop acknowledging their malicious arguments.
We have to recognize that citizens of other countries have it much better than we do, because they do. But hysterical patriotism is another part of the net of deceit that keeps the ignorant masses in line.
Consider again how billionaires claim that government represents a threat to your individual freedom. Repeating that argument is part of the conspiracy that deprives us of our right to health.
Protecting human dignity is seen as an obstacle to profit
We often say that government is bad. We say that human beings are bad. But we never acknowledge that private businesses can also be bad. There’s always a push to privatize. But nobody ever mentions how private corporations are inclined to oppress and exploit people just like any other human industry. We don’t mention that because billionaires own private corporations. So, the discussion about those entities is manipulated and protected.
But we have a government because the people need certain government protections. This is the whole point of securing our borders and having a military. We also need to be protected economically. That’s why we have anti-trust laws. That’s why we have consumer protections. Billionaires hate all the regulations that are designed to ensure that working class people are protected.
They hate, hate, hate them.
Because treating people with dignity is an obstacle to the creation of profit. It always has been.
The government has to protect the working class
The government should speak for all the people, not just those that already have social power. The government is our only means of pushing back against individual citizens in our country who have too much power already. We need to push back against citizens who have demonstrated that they’re inclined to exploit their fellow citizens, and lie to them, and bully them, and insult them, and disrespect their very humanity.
Billionaires often behave like common criminals. Some of them even get convicted like common criminals. We should take note of such things.
We need to stand up to people like that, not give them additional power so that they might hurt us. Obsequiousness is not going to save us from their malice. They delight in hurting others.
We used to have protections until the Supreme Court undid them
Naturally, powerful people are going to attempt to buy up the government and leverage it as a tool of oppression. But the government is only bad when it falls into the hands of unscrupulous people.
No scrupulous person ever became a billionaire.
There were protections against this in the United States. Protections that worked very well until Citizens United, another corrupt decision by the fraudulent Supreme Court, arrived at through a malicious misreading of the Constitution. They allowed corporations the right to purchase elections. They made this decision knowing full well what the consequences would be.
The decision was one of voter disenfranchisement. They took the power from the people, and gave it to the most evil, self-serving entities they could find. They knew darn well what they were doing. But we don’t have oversight of the Supreme Court.
So little by little, over the decades, the consequence of this deplorable decision began to manifest. Today, we live in a corporate controlled oligarchy instead of a republic. Today, profit is more important than the protection of human dignity, and life doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter. Your life means nothing here. Common sense and common decency have left the nation.
Helping us is not an objective of billionaires
If any billionaire ever planned to help the American people, he could do so this morning. Nothing is stopping him. He could use his money, a billion dollars, and build houses and just give them away. He could give out scholarships. He could raise the wages of his work force and pressure other billionaires to do the same. But he won’t. Because that would be the end of the billionaires. Billionaires do not do these things.
Instead, billionaires hoard their wealth and they punish us. They punish us. They punish us. They always have. Not because we’re guilty of anything, but because they can. When they run for office on the promise that they will help, they’re lying. Because all they do is punish, if they were going to help, they would have done so already.
The only example of “class warfare” is directed at the poor
Then you run into these other arguments when you’re critical of the rich. People accuse you of indulging in class warfare. But the people who say that are agents of the billionaires. They work in their publications. They work on their radio. They work on their television networks. They don’t even try to present the other side of the issue.
Then we have the influence of religion where the concept of the prosperity gospel has been used to make people believe that wealthy people are morally superior. They believe that “God” wants people to be rich, even though Jesus specifically states the opposite.
Christianity in the United States has long been the right arm of oppression and authoritarianism. Prior to the founding of our nation, Christianity assisted with the founding of the slave trade. Then, throughout the entirety of the slave era the Christian church was there providing justifications for the right of rich people to keep human beings captive as slaves, rather than defending the right of all people to be free. That’s history. That’s a fact. Mainly this was because the church was profiting from the slave trade.
The Catholic church is among the billionaire class remember. What do you expect from them?
There is a centuries old playbook of oppression
We have to be mindful because there’s a temptation to think of our opponents as ignorant, but they know exactly what they’re doing. Don’t presume they are ignorant because the consequences of their actions are so awful. You have to acknowledge the possibility that human suffering is their objective.
This is the countermeasure to the “we can disagree and still be friends” argument. You can’t be friends, when the person you’re arguing with is wholly fixated on torturing you.
Understand that malicious groups are following a well-established strategy. They adhere to a manifesto of oppression that has been perfected and handed down over thousands of years. Christianity is part of it. Inequitable wealth distribution is part of it. Racism is part of it. Voter disenfranchisement is part of it. Attacks on education are part of it. The proliferation of propaganda is part of it. Control of the courts, media, and government is part of it.
We’re standing at the heart of a raging tempest.
They know what they’re doing. The idea of attacking the government as the most present threat to freedom and ignoring the fact that private citizens with immense power can also be tyrannical is a deliberate omission.
Beware the tyrant class
Billionaires are tyrants. They should, through economic sanctions, be deprived of their influence. In a free country, nobody deserves to have that much power. The gospel of prosperity is a diabolical deceit.
But billionaires control the narrative and don’t even allow us to make these counter-arguments. The result is that we are denied access to honest discussions. We comply in advance, even around our own dinner tables.
As a result, throughout the last few election cycles nobody even offered the argument that if billionaires were ever going to help us they would be helping us already. If billionaires were good, there would be no suffering in our society. But instead, billionaires have scapegoated immigrants to hide their own crimes, and the voting public fell for it.
Elevate the working class to power
We have a system of government designed to put regular, working class people into positions of power so they can combat the overreach of individual citizens who aspire to be tyrants. Tyrants who aspire to live above the law. Tyrants who aspire to make us their servants and their slaves.
That’s the whole point of a government for and by the people, and we’ve flushed it down the toilet
We’ve known about absolute power for a long time. We should also recognize, for the sake of argument, that should a God exist, that entity must also by definition be corrupt.
If absolute power corrupts absolutely, then God is corrupt.
But here we are…
Little by little, all of the protections have been eroded away. It’s taken them almost 250 years to destroy our country, billionaires are as tenacious as evil itself.
The free press, too, has been compromised. The rich bought the press. The rich bought the government. Though I disagree with the Founding Fathers, on many things, I was foolish enough to think that at least they were correct in believing that the general public would never be willingly blind enough to elect into power an individual from such a class. A class that has proven throughout history that it only cares about itself, it only cares about exploiting the general public, because billionaires have not one good work to their name. They simply don’t.
Theirs is a legacy of exploitation and abuse, and that’s what we’ve put into power.
Going forward we have to accept and understand that government has an obligation to protect us. We have to recognize our part in this sacred trust and not make reckless and foolish decisions, though I fear it’s already too late.
Truth will endure, but will we?
We rely on the protections of the military. We revere the military. Why shouldn’t we also revere the protections of the government when it comes to ensuring our right to be paid a livable wage and our right to have access affordable health care for ourselves and our families? Why shouldn’t we demand our right to have time to spend with our loved ones so that we can have some semblance of a life beyond laboring to squeeze every little bit of production out of our broken bodies for the benefit of an entitled ruling class?
We should hold these truths to be self-evident, but all these arguments have been obscured by the various mechanisms of oppression.
Even so deep down you know that a billionaire is not inclined to help anyone but himself. I guess we have to trust that truth will prevail. It will at least endure, though we may not reap the benefits of truth in our lifetime.
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Excellent column, Walter. Fucking Reagan explicitly ginned up anti-government sentiment among not just the rich elite but also the working class white people, which has led to where we are today. Government was envisioned by the Founders and enervated by the Constitution to protect the rights of the citizens. How cruelly ironic that in this day and age the oligarchs and evil narcissist use government to oppress us.
"The American people have their thinking so contorted that they disregard this blatant contradiction."
This, and so many others. Great breakdown.