MAGA is a Cuckold, The President Only Loves Putin
You thought you were the main squeeze, but you're just the side piece
MAGA, MAGA, MAGA... when are you going to learn?
He doesn't love you. That's just pillow talk to him. It's always been pillow talk. That's what it's always going to be.
He tells you he's going to leave his wife for you like he's done many, many times before. You think you're going to be one of the “lucky” ones. But the truth is that he's never going to leave her for you.
And by “her” I mean Putin.
Putin is the one he loves. Putin is the one he cares for. Putin is the one he'd do anything to make happy.
When he says “America First,” it's just because he has an itch to scratch. The truth is that he's been for Russia all the way. Every quiet moment he's had with you has always been a lie.
Lie after lie after lie.
Remember the price of eggs? Remember the promised cuts to your taxes? Remember how he said he'd end the war before he'd even been inaugurated.
Oh poor, foolish, innocent, humiliated MAGA.
Now you're standing there watching your paramour prostrate himself for another man. He's doing all the things for him that he refused to do for you. Keep telling yourself things like, “We would have been so good for him.”
I get it, you're still in denial. You still think that your romance might have a chance. You're waiting next to the door with the light on. You're waiting for a phone call that will never come.
You don't want to believe that you're a cuckold.
But that's what you are.
I mean, come on MAGA, it's been 10 years. 10! If he ever had any intention of fulfilling any of these promises, he would have done so already. He's had plenty of time. He's had plenty of opportunity. He's had access to money.
Here's the comical thing, he never even needed to become president to help you! He could have been helping you all his life. He was born into more luxury than almost anyone in history.
Then he seduced you with this lie that if he had just a little more power, he could finally be the partner that you always wanted and deserved.
With his sphincter lips upon your ear, he said, “Just give me what I want now, and later, I'll do something for you.”
He said that 10 years ago.
You keep having to give. He keeps taking. You get nothing in return.
MAGA, you're a cuckold.
I realize that it's not a nice thing to hear (although maybe some of you are into it—and that's okay too). But for the rest of you who thought this love was sincere, I do regret your pain.
The thing is, though I disagree with your behavior. I can at least appreciate what you thought you were trying to achieve. You thought you were helping the country. You thought you were helping your kids. You thought that this person who abused you and used you could lead you to the way of prosperity.
But it's time to recognize that you're neck deep in a sunken cost fallacy.
He's not leaving his true love. He's not getting a divorce. The happy ending you were promised will never be given unless you cut ties with the toxic lies and embrace a different kind of future.
He's leading you on.
MAGA, you're a cuckold.
At this point, there's nothing you can do but call it for what it is. I'm sorry that it's humiliating, but we tried to warn you. But listen when I tell you that denial doesn't make it less humiliating. At this point, every day that you remain a loyal loser at his side, your humiliation only grows.
Tomorrow will be twice as humiliating as today.
The day after that will be a hundred times more humiliating still.
MAGA, MAGA, MAGA, you're a cuckhold. There's nothing else to call you. He doesn't love you. He uses you on his way to Putin. Putin is his love. Everything he breathes with his toxic air through his sphincter mouth is nothing but false promises and lies.
Remember this, he won't stop using you until you make him stop. He's never going to change. He's never going to see the error of his ways. He's never going to come through and offer you an apology.
In fact, he'll probably demand an apology from you!
That's how abusers operate.
MAGA, he's made you into a cuckold!
Look around. Recognize that you have nothing that you were promised and you've become everything you used to hate. You stood there laughing at the world. Now the whole world is laughing at you.
You can't hide it anymore.
He's not leaving his true love for you. The best you can hope for is a postcard from Russia with love. You aren't the main squeeze, you are the side piece and you always have been.
MAGA, you're a cuckold.
Cut the string. Save yourself from the destructive power that he wields. There's still time. You can still have all the things that you were promised. The moment you start making progress is the moment you accept that you'll NEVER get those things from him.
If it’s any consolation, that’s what he’s done to every person who has ever loved him.
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An amazing and tragic piece of writing! Thanks
It’s been a truth for so long . But now it’s in our faces everyday. The lies have all piled up and no one can get out from under them.
Run to the truth . Trump has made an alliance with Russia .
Putin has something to collect. It’s the destruction of our democracy, our country. And Trump has offered us up.