Well said! But I’m going to be reminding everyone to vote and not assume he will lose, in 2016 I do know people who assumed Hillary would win, and that assumption helped get TFG elected. I’m volunteering too, since if TFG wins we won’t have another election. I feel like it could still be close. But I want a landslide so SCOTUS doesn’t try to overturn certain state’s results later, or some other fuckery.

Great post and I loved reading it, as I had actual nightmares last night that it was Election night and I was asking women I walked up to how it was looking, and they just started crying. How dare that asshole give me bad dreams! I’m going to read it again. ❤️

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Yes, but do it with joy. I know that I've been carrying too much stress about this election. Kamala is going to run through the tape, this isn't 2016. Keep doing what you're doing!

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Oh, I will do that with joy! I confess to enjoying it when I see news items about TFG just continuing to bury himself. 😘

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Sep 24Liked by Walter Rhein

The difference Trump may not realize: Joe Biden will be president in the immediate aftermath of the election.

Biden now&Trump in 20 was the commander&chief.

Biden will not hesitate to use National Guard&police force to quell violence.

I’m not suggesting Trump won’t incite violence. He will certainly try, but his followers should understand by now Trump doesn’t really care about them. Won’t come to their rescue.

Donald should realize some of violent language might spill back on him.

I agree on Trump having less support than polling indicates

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Yes, and Biden is immune from any prosecution thanks to the Supreme Court. This is not set up for a fascist takeover. In fact, the right have handed the left everything they need to ensure a peaceful transfer of power.

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Sep 24Liked by Walter Rhein


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He is an orange chicken … Kamala is prepared and ready … now it’s our turn to vote and bring this home ! Thanks Walter .. another great piece of work

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Thanks Gene!

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Well said!!

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I really hope you're right, I don't even live in the US but the whole world is following this very closely. Can you guys just all go out and vote for the right person please 🫣

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I’m not living in the US either and I’m also nervous about this election. I’m a straight, white man and I’m nervous! Please, USA, vote for Kamala in such overwhelming numbers that it’s not even close. And maybe a few more Tweets from Taylor Swift for good measure!

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It's baffling how this is even a competition, and how we can't even be sure that Kamala will get 100% of the votes. Who in their right mind would vote for Trump 🥴

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That's just it, about half the country isn't in its right mind.

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I'm working hard over here in New Jersey. This Friday, I am hosting a Girls Night Out to write letters to undecided voters. I have my Kamala sign cable-tied and close to my Ring camera so Trumpers don't deface or steal it. I'm confident in Kamala's ability and we are in it to win it!

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I do hope you're right. I'm eager to see the electioneering end, but I'm nervous about the outcome.

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I sure hope you're right Walter. In West Virginia he's a very popular guy.

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Thank you!!

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Good points

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Did you see what the election board did in GA? Counting ballots manually WTF? Anyway it’s good to read a positive take on this shitblitz. On a lighter note I read your banner at first as “Vote for Her/He’s a Crock”

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Sep 24Liked by Walter Rhein

We can do this folks, just look at the blue dots in red Nebraska

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Sure hope so!

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You have a way with words, Walter and I for one of thousands appreciate all your hard work and truthfulness 💙💙💙

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Thank you Brendan!

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I admire your optimism. But regardless of Kamala's win, there will most likely be several election fraud lawsuits, contested ballots, etc. to prevent an immediate pronouncement of her win. Then you will have state capitals counting votes with armed militias parading around the state capitol to intimidate anyone daring to enter. And heaven help us if it has to go to the bobble head justices of the SC. I am not as optimistic.

My only hope for Kamala, because I did not have it for Biden, is her background in law enforcement. Hopefully she would fight back against the ballot jackasses and bring in the National Guard for the militias. I like that she will punch back at the bullies. It's our only hope because I don't think this is going to be easy.

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I am 100% confident that she will fight all those ridiculous challenges with poise and skill.

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.. and then?

This is a real question. What happens *afterwards* when Kamala wins.

Let's suppose we get what we all want: A trifecta. Democrat president, house, and Senate.

The GOP didn't do enough to steal the 2020 elections, but the Democratic party didn't manage to do what is necessary to protect the 2024 election either.

They couldn't - not with Joe Manchin preventing a fully liberal senate to do the work. But if they don't manage to do it this time around either, we'll be right back where we started in 2028, and this time the fascist party might be led by someone actually competent.

The democratic party needs a plan for afterwards. Ideally, getting rid of the electoral college and fixing the supreme court. But it has to go even further than that. The brainwashed cultists need to be brought back into the fold, and the power of the fascist billionaires needs to be broken.

Otherwise, this won't stop.

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I think we’ll see a dramatic change for the better

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