19 hrs agoLiked by Walter Rhein

TDS is nothing more than psychological projection. When I point out Trump’s lies, child rape, criminal convictions, stochastic terrorism…and someone says *I’m* the one with TDS they’re just confessing who they are, themselves. And when I point *that* out then they really get upset.

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Yeah, it's important to emphasize that anyone who supports trump identifies with him. Then you need to get your children out of their vicinity.

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17 hrs agoLiked by Walter Rhein

Well said maybe they will try humility for the first time.

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16 hrs ago·edited 16 hrs agoLiked by Walter Rhein

The traditional media has definitely moved away from reporting the facts. We now have media silos where people can choose the perspective that best suites their beliefs. There is little interest in getting the whole story. News is delivered with a biased tilt added by the newscasters. I'm always surprised when I talk to people about events that I've seen in the news and they know nothing about it. And the stories I've seen are quite significant, especially from a political standpoint. They will flat out deny that the story even exists or that the events happened. It's willful ignorance and it does a lot of damage because it allows people to make decisions based on misinformation and lies. How can we, as a society, improve if people insist on keeping their heads in the sand because the truth isn't something they want to hear or believe?

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You’re exactly right. Today’s CORPORATE-OWNED MEDIA is a CORRUPT bunch of people who call themselves "journalists", but never do anything to investigate the facts. They only repeat pablum told them by public officials, candidates, police agencies, and other people, credible or not. They’re too lazy to do the work of verifying the information, so they just repeat it as if it were actual fact. This is why we can’t trust the CORPORATE-OWNED MEDIA anymore.

And this is not just a national problem; it’s also the problem with local news. Where I live, we only have one local newspaper (which has shrunk significantly and hired poorly paid recent college graduates of limited competence), 3 tv stations owned by Sinclair, and one other. Rather than get off their duffs and do some actual reporting, they mostly just listen to police and fire radio calls, and take biased statements from government agencies, politicians, corporations, and other organizations, and just report that. Or, they’ll do a contrived "public interest" story on a mother who just had twins or the like. Confirming the stories, the facts underlying them, or searching out more detailed information is not what so-called "journalists" bother to do these days

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7 hrs agoLiked by Walter Rhein

I found your post very interesting. Thank you.

If no one told a lie, I would believe others' words.

The wife of Ashikaga Yoshimasa, the 8th Shogun of the Muromachi Shogunate. As Hino Tomiko wrote in her waka poem, there have long been people in Japan who lament the prevalence of lies. Of course, even in today's Japan, the major media rarely reports based on facts, and the reality is that even if you try to search for the treasure of truth in a mountain of lies, you often won't find it.

As you pointed out, it cannot be said that the major media are properly accountable for the errors, misunderstandings, and lack of explanation that have been revealed in the content of their reports. I thought this was something unique to Japan, but it seems that this is not necessarily the case. The media is said to be the second power. I believe that we, the people, must monitor our own country's media, just like the government, to prevent it from running wild.

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Yes! Well said. Now can someone bulk mail it to the NYT and WaPo headline writers and journalists, fast? They need it BAD.

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I wish :)

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This disease is the one we need to worry about:

Trump Brain Disease Syndrome (TBDS)

1. Exaggerated views of the abilities of Trump that place him on a pedestal that is akin to a God

2. Love every nasty word that his lame brain utters

3. Refusal to admit that his belief that Climate Change is a hoax so we need to drill baby drill all the more

4. Start to cry every time he proclaims he is going to Make America Great Again

5. Believe he never cheated on any of his wives

6. Believe every woman he meets secretly desires to get him in bed.

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18 hrs agoLiked by Walter Rhein

Unfortunately there is no “discussion” around MAGA that can be considered with a “MAGA”.

If one party has no interest in listening or intent to change, then the exercise is a waste. Don’t bother yourself, you’re basically arguing with the wind…

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We can do a deeper dive into this because I was in a similar conversation yesterday. It started with someone talking about "the media" and I wanted to know who that is? Do all reporters have formal training and apprenticeship in journalism, plus a college degree? Did they work for newspapers, television stations, magazines, radio stations, and for how many years? Did they have to live by a strick to clear ethics statements or risk being barred from any further employement anywhere as a legitimate reporter or editor? Did they risk getting flunked out of college if the editor found a fact error? Did they face such serious consequences? Did they risk their life in a war zone to get to the truth and report back? Instead, when you say media, are you talking about anyone with a keyboard who has something to say and pushes it out on any of hundreds of delivery systems, with no respect or even awareness of truth and anything not true? There's no shades of truth. It's an absolute. There are millions of versions of lies and opinions.

To your point Walter, the key is in the clear and present enforcement of truths and that's what we need to consider. If you use words to hurt people, do we remove your ability to ever use words again? Do we say you can take up any of thousands of other jobs, but if it involves using words, you are prohibited? There's too many ethical journalists who have given up everything for Freedom of Speech, so I think we need to get some context in the "media" conversation.

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