Aug 14Liked by Alberto Cabas Vidani, Walter Rhein

I‘ve had two articles boosted (after one month in the partner program). Both were published in pubs with a boost nominator. One pub has 5k+ followers, the other 200+. One editor published the piece as is, the other asked me to make changes.

Both stories were very personal. I was also told by one editor that chances of getting boosted go up if you add a paragraph that tells readers why you are the right person to have written the piece and have given advice.

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Yes, these all work.

Unfortunately, you can implement all the advice from nominators and still be rejected.

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Aug 14Liked by Alberto Cabas Vidani

Yeah, I‘ve noticed it’s random in the end.

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I feel that the program underwent some changes in July, but it's back to normal now. I'm seeing a return to my normal Boost rate. I would say that it has become a bit more challenging.

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Aug 14Liked by Alberto Cabas Vidani, Walter Rhein

Interesting! My stories were both boosted in July. None in August so far. But I've also been less focused on Medium. I'm planning on submitting more to the Boost nominator publications.

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Jul 31Liked by Alberto Cabas Vidani

Very interesting! Thanks.

I only got boosted once. And I really don't know how this happened as I haven't written many stories so far and never tried to identify which publications I should submit to. But it was a great surprise and a boost to my spirits.

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Useful advice. I enjoy reading and writing on Medium and have had articles boosted a couple of times. But I struggle a bit with finding the best way to use Medium. How often to publish, which publications to choose, how to manage followers... (lots don't seem to be readers). Thanks for sharing Walter and Alberto!

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Thank you!

Your best bet now is to choose Boost-enabled publications.

As regards cadence, the answer is as often as possible.

Boosts are rare and random. So, the more you publish, the higher their number.

And if you don't aim to get Boosted, you need to publish almost every day to keep growing.

Or at least this is what I observed.

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Thank you and greetings from Slovenia next door!

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Slovenia where?

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Jul 30Liked by Alberto Cabas Vidani, Walter Rhein

Ljubljana. Where are you, Alberto?

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I’m in a tiny town called Romans d’Isonzo, a 90-minute drive from Ljubliana!

Do you live there?

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Yes. I've been here 7 years now, probably at least 2 more before another adventure!

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Most of my pieces are NOT Boosted, so I am ecstatic when one does. I'm currently having the best month ever, by far, and it's going to go a long way toward making me relax a bit. I'll make more this month, it looks like, than I would normally make in an entire year.

I wonder if they should have more than one layer of Boost -- a standard Boost for something expected to do well with people who follow a specific niche, and a Super Boost for stories that you'd expect to do great with everyone. Just an idea!

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You are right the earnings formula is terrible. It creates a feast and famine situation I never saw on any platform

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Aug 4Liked by Alberto Cabas Vidani

After conforming an article to the Boost's guidelines, beyond that Boosting is a simple coin-toss.

The only way to improve your odds is to consistently churn articles, and see what sticks. I've recently found that it's possible to produce large quantities of humanized-AI stories that fools the Boosting process.

The Medium PR team has been informed about these issues, but they have yet to take action.

So, let's say you are an honest writer who wants to create valuable content and make a living in the process. You have to:

1) Befriend publication editors and nommers to learn the ins and outs and gain at least the nomination.

2) Tik-Tokify your article to make it attractive for curators.

3) Compete with the large army of bots that have trained custom GPTs which produce humanized-AI articles.

Writing for your audience is apparently at the bottom of the list. Where's the fun in this?

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I agree that the Boost is currently problematic. If you write essays you have greater chances

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