Sep 4Liked by Walter Rhein

just once, I'd like to see a reporter ask that blonde ninny speaking for the orange monster, " you say an immigrant did X. can you now explain why so many hundreds of your side, also committed X at the same time? " why are republicans committing these crimes daily?"

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Sep 4Liked by Walter Rhein

"You can’t claim to be protected by a rule you fail to recognize," but their worldview is completely self-centric.; they don't comprehend the fact that "others" have any stake in "their" world. I agree with all of your points in this piece, btw, and honestly appreciate you pulling them together. I really do hope that more people stop making apologies for evil, and recognize that small voices that change the course of even a single mind are important!

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Yeah, I think perhaps this should be a point of greater emphasis in our society. When somebody proposes a rule, we should immediately hold that person accountable to that rule. Right wingers are caught off guard by this all the time. They fail to recognize the disastrous consequences of their thought process... and we can't let them off the hook.

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I'm trying to play out how this sounds. Is it, "So, you are comfortable with you and/or your partner/spouse, your daughters, nieces, granddaughters being under constant medical surveillance? You are fine with any of them (or you) being forced to remain in "protective custody" in your home state until they have given birth if it is found that they are pregnant? You are fine with any female in your family being forced to remain in your home state for the duration of their reproductive period of life? Please state for the record that you are willing to give up person rights, such as the right to travel and the right to keep medical records private."

Of course this is only one piece of legislation, but it gave me the "willies" making my thinking dive into that muck, so I'll leave other legislation for other people to consider.

In addition to people in Congress, who are responsible for the drafting, refining, and passing such legislation, I would like any sitting member of the Supreme Court who supports this to also "take the pledge."

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It becomes difficult because what they're proposing is so complex, it's hard to explain it all in a few words. Also, people just don't want to hear it. Keep having these conversations though, keep refining your pitch and give us progress reports. If you find something that works, I'll happily share it!

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I know you will, Walter. We also need to pass on any great ideas to those Representatives in the House and Senators who are also fighting the good fight - there is a great deal of talent there. And, for goodness sake, can't someone find a way to get Katie Porter back in there?

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Sep 4Liked by Walter Rhein

Well said Walter. Well said....

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Thank you Johnny!

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Sep 4Liked by Walter Rhein

Im Irish Walter, and i live in Ireland. In a way, I have no dog in your November coming fight, but for some strange reason have followed usa politics since the late 80's. Just a 'thing' I do. Dont care for a democrat or republican president, i just care for a 'great president of the United States of America', and THATS what matters (pref sane too, that would be good). Because when America does that, the rest of 'western'dom' (whatever that means) does well too.

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The rise of fascism in the US or anywhere else is a danger to the world. I think the tide is turning in our favor, but it's a shame that the matter is still in doubt.

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Sep 4·edited Sep 5Liked by Walter Rhein

As Vance Jones said on CNN recently (after Harris got the ticket nod) 'it takes a cultural phenomenon to defeat a cultural phenomenon and thats what just has arrived'. Insightful, right? Remember this, America turned up at the door in Ireland in the 90s and walked into the room, talked softly, but by Christ, you could see the big stick it carried, as America talked. Read the riot act and said 'get this shit done or we'll do it for you, and you might not like the outcome' and thats how 'peace' came to Ireland after 40 years of 'troubles' as it was referred to. That's what America does best when it puts it mind to it. You've no need to tell me or an Irishman, what what Regan words meant when he talked about the 'shinny city on a hill'. America, is our promised land, always had been. In fact, it (ireland) had a hand, in how your 'west was won'.

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Could not agree more with all of this. For my part, I’m fed up with them.

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I really like the tenor and tone of your article .. we must stop sugar coating our response .. he needs to be smacked down and destroyed .. we all need to talk to our friends .. especially the quiet ones .. recruit them to smack him down by voting blue ..we need a landslide ..

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Thank you. I start getting angry. I have a few more stories that I haven't shared on substack that will show why. This is very personal for me.

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Sep 5Liked by Walter Rhein

"There are transgressions that shall not stand. My daughters shall not have their bodies taken from them." I shudder to think of the daughters of the men who follow in the footsteps of the Republican candidate. They are doomed. So good to see a father like you champion the safety of your girls.

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Thank you!

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Traditional schools of Okinawan martial arts require their members to only use their martial skills to save people in distress or when your backs up against a wall and you have no other choice but fight. No exceptions.

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That is as it always should be with power. Unfortunately there are bullies out there. But we have to remember that we have to stand up to them.

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Sep 4Liked by Walter Rhein

Excellent summation, Walter. I guess many if not most of his followers have bullying tendencies and enjoy being cruel? That is a troubling thought. But you're right. We have to be forceful and relentless in showing that this behavior is unacceptable. It will take a long time but we need to be indefatigable in promoting tolerance and kindness.

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My concern is that if we treat them with kindness, they interpret it as weakness and only redouble their abusive behavior. It's only by standing up to them that we can make it stop.

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Walter, you are so right, especially the para that starts with "Because". People are waking up and agreeing Mea Culpa, and accepting personable responsibility. We need to encourage them....

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Thank you!

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Sep 5Liked by Walter Rhein



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This got me thinking, thank you for offering this comment. I'm going to write a post about why I feel that joy alone is not going to win this election. But you've touched on what I feel is a larger problem in the US, and I've heard it from a variety of sources. Thanks for the inspiration.

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I also have an uneasy feeling with the idea of any politician being swept into office on a wave of emotion - whether it is "trumped" up fear and anxiety about what others might be taking away from me or the elation felt while watching the DNC "love in." [Sorry about that very dated phrase - it was the first one that came to me and now I can't stop thinking about it.] There's a lot of work to do and lots of it won't be easy or even safe. I can't shake my concern for all those young, energetic door knockers and what they might encounter if they go to the wrong door. If I let my mind go down that dark path, it gets hard to reel it back. Yesterday I was commenting on something a person said about her working at the polling place this election, and I found myself dishing out a lot of old lady advice about not going in alone, not leaving alone ... you know, stuff that even I labelled alarmist.

That's the thing that weighs on me - that this election, even more so than the last, is dangerous for the very people necessary to win. That is, we need young, energetic, liberal minded people who might be working on their first election and want to have a positive effect on their future. I don't want to rain on anyone's joyful parade, but I suspect that there is going to be a nasty amount of mud in the near future. *sigh*

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DT's bad behavior pulls at the heart strings of so many. We must understand why folks are attracted to this broken man. Denouncing him does little to extricate the lost souls from his grip.

We must sweeten the pot and attract folks back to being a team. Humiliating and shaming won't work.

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I think that approach works up to a point, but there is a line his supporters cross where you have to use a different tactic. Ultimately, I agree that our society needs to be more focused on lifting up the kind and decent people rather than making apologies for the awful ones. Thanks for the thoughtful comment!

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Sep 4Liked by Walter Rhein

Right. There definitely is a line beyond which reprisals will be felt

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Sep 4Liked by Walter Rhein

Donald Trump became president because of his narcissism and he lost his job for the same reason. So many scandals, so many slurs, so much staff turnover, and so much chaos ultimately wore away the fabric of his presidency.

Trump is a felon who has always been about HIMSELF and a huge amount of Americans ignore Trump’s narcissism and psychopathy, which is extremely dangerous when backed up by Project 2025.

This "Kamala removes stubborn orange stains" t-shirt is more alive than ever 🤣 👇


I'll take the prosecutor over the felon ANY DAY OF THE WEEK.

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Me too!

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Bravo!!!! Help not hurt should be taught to all children. Instead, they are learning hatred and discrimination. How did this country ever get to this point where this orange monster has been allowed to develop such a blind, hardcore following?

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Utterly & completely!😒🎃🤡👻

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