My voice is too hoarse from the phone banking to even attempt a whisper. On the other hand, I am writing articles on Medium as much as I am able to do so. And just so I could, I ordered a new rainbow windsock for my patio. Still playing the music loud, and a favorite is Wall of Death, given I have an incurable, but treatable disease, Thanks

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What is your Medium handle? I want to make sure I follow you there!

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Fran Shelley. I only mentioned Medium because I have been using that site to "try out" writing, and it has been extremely helpful in terms of coming to terms with my disease, Primary Immune Deficiency......in fact, I was having an infusion when I posted my comment.

I love your writing and podcasts.

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Thank you Frances!

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Fran Shelley. I only mentioned Medium because I have been trying my hand at writing, and in doing so I have finally embraced my disease, Primary Immune Deficiency. I can bring awareness to the disease and help others. BTW. I really enjoy your work.

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I could be wrong but i don't think that's his ONLY plan. I recently discovered a friend I've known some time is a Trumpian Conspiracy Theorist (TCT for short). He and i have gotten into some interesting discussions since then which are starting to open his eyes. However, the reason for this comment is he is convinced "we're already at war" over the election and that its "going to be faked" to make Trump lose and there are plans to take the presidency "back" for Trump. This is the rhetoric spreading behind the scenes among the TCT's. Combine that with the writer of amendment 2025 saying "this will be a bloodless war if the democrats allow it." Are they planning for a Civil War over this man?! This is not something to panic over as it's far in the future, but it's definitely something to be aware of so we're not blindsided.

You're right, he's lazy af, but not all his voters are.

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You make a very good point. There's always this "whisper society" around Trump. They huddle in groups and have secret meetings. I wish I could understand their mechanism of spreading and sharing misinformation because it's really effective. Perhaps churches are the epicenters of this nonsense? It's all just half-baked schemes like the Capitol riot, but their irresponsible actions probably will result in a loss of life.

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Definitely some evangelical megachurches, have caught the political activism stance in preaching their opinions. For instance, my son and his family have attended a megachurch in CA for the past few months. They are going through some tough times within their lives and needed some solace. The first few Sunday services were fine, helping my daughter-in-law cope with her mental-health issues. Thus, my son decided to attend as a family since it seemed to help his wife. However, the past few Sunday services were concentrated on the evil policies of the Democratic Party, though never actually stating any particular candidate or Party. He and his wife were very upset with the political rhetoric being spread within a church service. Needless to say, they haven't returned.

So yes, there are organizations and groups, both religious and secular, which spread the propaganda. It's amazing to me, how anyone with any intelligence and moral compass can't see through the vitriol, false promises and delusions of Trump, Vance, Musk, and all the other radical far-right extremists.

Personally, my family has completely split apart since Trump entered the political arena. We've lost so much by the closed-minded and hateful rhetoric, which certain members of my family perpetrate these divisive concepts amongst themselves. It became an arena of rabid dog fights, where one side would literally bring others to tears. Luckily, I have a younger sister, a trauma therapist, who has given me strength to stand my ground in these past years, through thick and thin times. I can only hope for a future which opens opportunities for all people of different races, religious beliefs and economic classes.

I'm totally afraid for my two granddaughters who are biracial, as well as a niece with three biracial kids. Three of these kids are already in therapy, due to personal attacks on their ancestries. They don’t feel safe and accepted into this divisive culture.

And yet, we as a nation are comprised of multi-generational immigrants and Native Americans who have gone through similar biases, prejudices and other forms of hatred for the ultimate purpose of control. It appears to be a vicious cycle, which needs to be broken.

Harris/Walz gives me hope for the future of our great nation, in coming together as human beings to work for the good of all of us.

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Fairly soon we will have yet another political party, The Evangelican Party

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I don’t want to do podcasts or video. Neither interest me. I dislike them. I have a professional recording studio in my attic and all that technology and a recording engineer spouse are not enough to change the fact that I’m completely devoid of such talent. I’m sticking to writing and nothing but.

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Concentrate on what you do best, Michelle.

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The podcast feature here on Substack is really fun. I've been reading my articles and I get a nice response. I'd be interested in listening to your voiceovers Michelle! But if it's not something you want to do, I can appreciate that too :)

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I tried once! I did such a terrible job! And not one person, last time I checked, even listened — which is probably a good thing!

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Just like an AA member and booze. I'm shunning the grievance rant today. Shine a little sunshine in your writing, reflect the love in your family. You do it well

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Hi there Walter Hope you are well. I have not been reading much since I went back to work its been a bit stressful but I am not unsuscribing at all. I absolutely love your content. I am getting back on my writing and reading schedule tomorrow. Also I recently published my first book of short stories on Amazon so I was a tad bit preoccupied with that. Finally I have my ballot and yes I will be sending it in this week. Hope you and your family are well. Blessings to you all friend. :) :)

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Fine post, Walter, per usual. Getting out the vote for Kamala is of the utmost importance in this election. And, giving her the team she needs, at every level of government, is vitally important, as well. So, I would join you in encouraging everyone to get out and vote. With one caveat. Get out and vote, but only for those candidates who have NOT been convicted of a felony. Please excuse my shameless self-promotion as I include a link here to an essay I wrote exploring this subject in more detail. https://open.substack.com/pub/thestormbynorm/p/make-the-correct-choice?r=1qaj9v&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=true

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Thank you for sharing a new series recommendation- Northern Exposure. I need new characters in my life right now😊

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Please let me know how you like it!

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Thank you for your wise and inspiring posting. It really lifted my spirits.

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Thank you mike! I'm trying to put in some positive stories so people can have a bit of a mental break. :)

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Thank you for your kind words and commitment to our freedom and our country. I have lost my ability to write, at least for the short term, and I hope that I can continue to leave my comments here, because I am having vision issues. Or maybe I don’t like what I’m seeing on the news and internet. We all must exercise our rights to obtain information via the Freedom of Information Act before Trump destroys everything that is our right to secure. Please do this before we lose this fundamental right. Please don’t be afraid, because if anyone thinks it’s bad now, it’s only going to get worse. Think about the privacy of grand jury proceedings and everything that Trump wants to do in order to have a second administration. Our country needs your help and your voice, and for me it’s almost like an obligation to promote freedom of speech, freedom to choose what you want to do with your life. If we as writers give in to this kind of censorship, we will be destroyed. I may be sick, but I’m not dying and even if I were, I’d have no fear of dying in doing whatever I can to promote my own personal freedoms and those of others. Imagine being a writer (novice) and having to carry a notebook around so you don’t forget everything. I’m on my second journal since Election Day and you can be sure that once I’ve recovered from the damn concussion, I’m going to write the article of a lifetime. And while I’ve been invited to move to Quebec, I feel it’s my obligation to stay in America to continue to fight for the cause. Thank you for allowing me to post this comment. Given I have $1.38 in my account since donating to the Democratic Party, I will upgrade to “ paid “ in the next few days. I’m grateful to all of you for giving me free access.

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Thank you Frances! I think you are already upgraded to paid. Your words are an inspiration and I appreciate you!

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Thank you Walter. I appreciate the heads up. The post concussion symptoms are awful, but I am hopeful that the new rx I picked up yesterday will help with the headaches. Truly the hardest part is that I cannot write and have to limit my reading, because I am still having some vision problems, I will see the opthamologist soon to find out if the damage is permanent. Not blind, just blurred vision. I feel terrible about not responding to all of the notifications, any suggestions? Thank you again for your kindness. Also, while I am participating in many “zoom” meetings in anticipation of the new administration, I have had to back off some because they are a bit “tasking.” Will you please forgive me for “not doing everything I want to do to help others?” I feel awful…have a great day my friend,and keep up the great writing,

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Yes, don't be so hard on yourself Frances! Take care of yourself first, second, and third! I am often overwhelmed with comments myself and don't have time to answer them all though it pains me. Be well, heal up! We need you!

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Interested. Pacific time zone.

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What days and times work best for you?

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Weekdays 7am to 5pm Pacific time.

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Excellent. I'm making a spreadsheet and I'll try to set something up for this week.

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"Your progress stops the moment you establish a preset determination of where you will end up. I’ve found that the best things in my life are the miracles I’ve stumbled upon while feeling around in the dark."

I have wished for things. They have arrived in their good time and without my hard work directly on them. The feeling is less of feeling around and more of playing around for me. But other than that one word choice, this quote resonated on the perfect note.

I believe good will come from the event in the US. I believe the darkness, the hatred and the love of power and money that had existed and been hidden somewhat by polite society is becoming increasing obvious. The ugly part isn't new. It's just more visible. Like a festering wound, the poison has to get to the air and the sun if it is to become clean.

The next period will be difficult. Facing the truth of the darkness inside hearts and minds is hurtful. Recognizing our naive nature and admitting we have been cheated and lied to is hard. But the truth has set me free.

I will continue to play in the dark and create miracles to share with the world.

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Thank you Heather!

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Thank you for the recent article. I hope I’m commenting correctly in the right context. I admire your strength and determination. Many of us are struggling with the fact that former president Trump has been re-elected, myself included. However, having recently participated in a zoom call with over 1M people, I feel more empowered by the fact that many of us are not giving up on the Democratic Party or giving in to the Trump agenda. On this note I would encourage everyone to join Mobilize and find a virtual zoom meeting to support our efforts to make our country stronger. I’ve ordered a press kit and I have signed up for half a dozen events. And for what it’s worth, anyone in my life who has admonished me for my actions or beliefs, has no right to be in my life, nor should they have been allowed to have a key to my apartment. My locks will be changed very soon because I refuse to let anyone, Roman Catholic or whatever, be a part of my circle. Given the fact that my RC friend refused to help me get to the ER following a recent huge blow to my head was very telling indeed. I’m no Christian, but I do believe that Jesus, as a prophet , encouraged all of us to treat each other with kindness and respect and absent any other form of mutual compassion, every single person who chose to elect a felon as their leader should be held accountable for the potential dismal future of our country. Once these people begin to see the ramifications of their actions, they will be more aware of their stupendous behavior. I rest my case. My apologies for offending anyone, but I will never forgive anyone who chose to support a man whose only interest is himself and his personal agenda to try to ruin this nation. I doubt that when our founding fathers, my family included, landed on Plymouth Rock nearly 450 years ago, ever imagined or intended for us to be led into the darkness that Trump wants to lead us. Thank you for this opportunity to read your article and to share with others the cold realities of the recent election that has brought us all to an existential crisis. Head injury or not, I remain steadfast in my efforts to help you and others walk away from this mess. Luke 13:31 “ At that very hour some Phariseees came and said to him, ‘Get away from here, for Herod wants to kill you.” In other words, Jesus takes up responsibility and keeps moving toward the cross. As I would expect, most of us are thinking about moving as far away from it as we can. It’s critical that we stand on the shoulders of our ancestors and try to look with joy into the future. We all share a responsibility to look forward and do whatever we can to realize that the potential death of this country is not the end of the world. I may be having trouble finding the right words, but I certainly know the right direction.

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Thanks for that empowering message Frances!

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Thanks for letting me be a guest and for allowing me to express my thoughts about the future of our country and community

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🙏🙏🙏 you just made me feel better. I was so sad , but you made me realize we will be okay. I am disappointed, but we have to move on.

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I wish I could say: Don’t worry.

I’m sad to say the Latinos who voted Trump, I can’t imagine why, may wake up&realize they are in a situation like yours.

Women? Reproductive issues happen to every demographic. Voting for Trump won’t save one from bleeding out, sepsis develops while searching for a care?

There’s also the flawed adoration of criminal who gets away with it, for awhile, like John Dillinger or Al Capone.

I don’t know, but I wish you all well on whatever path you choose.

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Yessss...it is time we had a woman lead the country. And Kamala Harris is that woman! She is ready and will go into the Oval Office with a "To-Do" list while Trump would go in with a grievance list. She has been to Milwaukee - where I live - several times now. While I have not gone to any of the rallies, I have seen coverage of these events, and yes, that line is from her stump speeches. But she has only gotten better, stronger and more powerful in her delivery and her message. Enough of the chaos, the hateful rhetoric, the delusional ranting, the overt racism and misogyny. ENOUGH!!

And also, Walter, thank you for recognizing that and sharing what you have learned from your wife. It is so inspiring and refreshing to read a white man, who lives in rural Wisconsin especially, say these things. There is hope. You are evidence of that! And now...let hope win on Tuesday and let's - as Kamala says - turn the page and go FORWARD. We are NOT going back!!!

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I can’t describe How much I hope Kamala gets the chance to demonstrate her leadership in the ways you describe! Daniel

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