You have to get him into circumstances he cannot control or influence (e.g. a court of law). You also need to have accountable journalists that will question absolutely everything he says and remind him of his inaccuracies. The moderator of the debate didn't do that once!

As for Joe, he just had a senior moment that's been blown out of the water. Anyone who thinks he's too "old" for the job, when you clearly were supporting him before the debate, can just fuck off!

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I think the debate prep didn't do him any favors. They're acting like they're debating a legitimate candidate. That's a mistake. They need to mention his crimes over and over.

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I read a comment a few days ago that said"Biden didn't need debate prep, he needed a few good nights sleep, he already knows the policies." And a confrence call from The Daily Show alumni would be the icing on the cake!

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Exactly!!! Exactly what your article said!! Spot on and send this article to the White House!! Pronto immediately!! I already sent a letter to the White House and they responded within 24 hours.. send send send!!

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Exactly right unfortunately the feckless Dem will likely snatch defeat from the jaws of a win.

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Jul 1Liked by Walter Rhein

Did EVERYBODY drink the Kool-Aid!?

We need to snap out of this "nice democrat" coma that we are in and MOVE IT!

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With all due respect, there isn’t good correlation between winning debates and winning elections in recent history. Besides, I’m gonna repeat this - more than debates, it matters what’s said after them. And I didn’t forget how even back in 2016, the supposed “librul media” did everything to maximize their audience’s agent orange exposure. This time it’s even worse, just instead of “her emails” we have “oh look he misspoke a couple times and surely we can’t have that”. Mass Media have basically sold out the republic for, in trumps parlance, best ratings. They will follow on this script from hell, written in the bowels of our most determined adversaries and fine tuned by the likes of Cambridge Analytica and Steve Bannon. Whether it’s malice, stupidity or good intentions matters not. Expect the worst kind of concerted attacks from the desperate floor of entertainment industry into October.

Fortunately it doesn’t seem that the voters give two scoops of Putin’s brown suitcase about all this.


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With all due respect, elections involving trump do not follow historical standards. I want to see him implode. I want the debate to be used as a means of forcing the media to cover his crimes.

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Yes, an implosion of the lying fat orange ass is called for. I’m gonna put it on my calendar, I use Outlook, so if anyone wants to get a bet-on-the-date lottery going I’m in.

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I hope we all get to see it and it's as humiliating for him as he has been for America over the last 10 years.

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“He’s weak, he’s a loser, he’s a coward, and a liar.” That’s the chant that should be called out by Biden at every opportunity. At every speech, every rally, every interview, every in-person appearance. And he should have a list of short facts about the Donald that everyone, even Trump’s supporters know about.

The one thing that is seriously wrong with democrats, from the liberal-minded guy on the street, to the Congress and Senate democrats, to the Attorney General, or Secretary of State, they put more intention into defending a distant noble intellectual concept than defending a real life truth, and they are constantly treating a real life lie as an error in judgment.

I never really knew what political correctness meant, but I think at some point it came to mean not saying shit if you had a mouthful. The truth doesn’t make honest people gag, the truth doesn’t make honest people ditch a question by throwing themselves into nearly closed elevator door. The truth hurts only after you’ve lied about it.

Modern democracy has struggled to evolve. It isn’t a noble intellectual concept of the few—it’s a reality-based commitment to freedom, humility, honesty, and equality. These idealistic commitments require a common understanding of what THE TRUTH IS, the truth is a constructive reality, what really happened, what is really said, what is really seen or heard, what is really done. The rule of law is based on evidence of truth, the truth leaves a trail of memories, of documents, of conversations and testimony, of actions, of consequences. The truth tells a story paints a picture that is heard and seen and understandable. This is how people can trust that a common reality exists among them. The evidence is evaluated by our senses, and our sensibilities.

Lies are nothing like truth, to believe lies you have to trust liars. To accept a fraud you have to trust a cheater. To choose confusion you have to engage with chaos. To be taken advantage of you need to give away your free will. To lose your freedom you need to commit yourself to a liar.

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W=wicked, wasteful, worthless

E=egotistical, evasive, evil

A=avarice, arrogant, abrasive


Trump is a wicked egotistical arrogant killer (WEAK) or other combinations.

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Another great mnemonic!

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Jun 30Liked by Walter Rhein

Sounds right to me —and it's all TRUE!

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Jun 30Liked by Walter Rhein

I truly like your take on this, Walter, and I even like the terms you are offering those people who help with President Biden's prep for things like the debates. In addition to sending them to the Democratic Party guys and the White House, I suggest sending them to all the late night hosts who drive Trump crazy with their comedic jabs.

And each of them would make a great sign to carry to protests marches on individual signs or grouped together on a long banner or stacked one on another on a taller sign. I can picture it now. HAHA Now I am imagining them stretched out on a banner behind one of those small planes circling above any outdoor rally Trump holds.

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All we have to do is not take him seriously and he'll freak out. It's so simple.

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You are so correct .. this is genius .. iyou do not even need to listen to him .. you already know what he’s going to say .. I love this! Can you get it into the President’s hands …

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If enough people share it maybe :)

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30Liked by Walter Rhein

Arnold Schwarzenegger, former Governor of California, explained how he communicated while governor: say three things, over and over again. That's what * does. (Update) ...no matter what the question.

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Jul 1Liked by Walter Rhein

That's actually in the Theater also. In Ballet you repeat a section of choreography or a step 3 times for the audience to get it and then throw in a variation. It's standard knowledge.

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“Lesson (for) one.  When trying to play chess with a pigeon…throw away the fucking chessboard!  Before responding to the pigeon, you need to already know what your last sentence will be in your fucking response (not answer!), in order to transition that response to making it negative light on -45.  Every time.  Every.  Fucking.  Time.  It’s important to be right about placing -45 in negative light, instead of being correct with an answer.  Did I mention gun battle in a phone booth?”


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Yeah, he's easy to provoke. Just end with "America can do better than that loser."

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Got to write in all caps when using your crayons😜😜

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Easy to provoke…as it is with most 5 1/2 year olds.

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Jul 1Liked by Walter Rhein

Trump was talking about how he fired people and Biden never fired anyone. And we were screaming at the TV, The election wasn't rigged THE AMERICAN PEOPLE FIRED YOU!!! This would have destroyed him. Especially as it's his thing. That's what Biden should repeat. And your article is totally correct.

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Yes, I was thinking that too. If Biden just said, “Donald Trump, YOU’RE FIRED!” over and over it would be pretty devastating.

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How about "He's a one-man crime wave." I think that might work (and, apparently, so does Joe)

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I think Trump takes pride in that. Gotta call him a loser. That's what he hates.

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Jul 1Liked by Walter Rhein

I still like the American

People fired Trump.

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Jun 30Liked by Walter Rhein


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Jul 1Liked by Walter Rhein

Yes! Hire Jon Stewart for some good zingers! I love it!

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