Mar 25·edited Mar 25Liked by Walter Rhein

Hi Walter, great post, thanks for sharing.

Wow, it's like we're moving along in parallel universes here, but you are about 2 light years ahead.

To support what you're saying, I recently wrote an article on tags/topics (In New Writers Welcome) hypothesizing, like you, that my recent jump in followers was because I was showing up on the "Who To Follow" page for a few important tags/topics (Data Analysis, Data Storytelling, Prompt Engineering, Python). The jump in followers started in Dec/2023, which is when I noticed that my ugly mug was showing up on the Topics pages.

At the same time, my # of boosts seemed to increase (I had a total of 2 before Dec, I've had 13 since).

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The great thing about Medium is that there are many paths to success. It's possible that if you write just one really great article with a great headline and it gets boosted... you'll see a huge surge in followers. But Medium is great because it has a lot of ways to maximize your effort. Followers come from being visible, so the more active you are, the more your profile picture appears on the platform (even in the form of comments), the better! Thanks for the nice comment. It's good to know that you've come to more or less the same conclusions I have. There's always insight to be gained through the way other people try to solve a riddle.

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Hi Walter, for a video of mine I reached out to Medium to find out how they call those "top writers" in the categories. The category that's leading the ranking now is tech, followed by AI. I think AI will soon be #1 which is scary I think.

I loved the top writers badges, guess similar to the boost Medium wants to reward MORE people. With 500 topics they can support 500 people. It used to be 73 topics.

I'm also "top writer" in 3 categories but as you said you have to pumpt out a lot of long form stories OR get boosted and then get a lot of comments etc. to get featured.

Would love to learn more about those new "top writers". Eve Arnold is one in #writing or Derek and it helps them get seen and read.

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Hi Kristina! I was just putting the finishing touches on a guest post for you. Do you have a list of the full 500 topics anywhere? There's so much of Medium that ends up being guesswork, but I kind of enjoy that aspect of it. I should look to see if I'm listed anywhere else. I see that the "Technology" tag has 9 million followers, but one of the new tags, "America" has only 373. Therefore, as a growth strategy, I assume it would be best to use tags with bigger follower counts. I hadn't thought of that before. "Writing" has 4.6 million. Thanks for the comment!

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