That's pretty funny stuff! I think a lot of parents would relate to this sort of subject. Mine is 16 now but when she was six, she attended two birthday parties in one day and then fell asleep in the play tent in our living room that night. I woke up midnight hearing "Mom!" and crying. I swear, barf covered the sleeping bag and the tent floor. I chucked the whole thing out back and threw the kid and then me in the shower. Ew.

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Love it. I survived the Legos, just barely but now I’m grappling with kibble.

My dogs will eat their kibble with precision leaving half of the bowl divided right down the middle and yet there are hidden kibble traps everywhere.

Stepping on them barefoot feels like a shot up from the foot to the hip. In the kitchen’s smooth flooring wearing slippers and stepping on one of these hidden mines you get why they’re called slippers.

Canned dog food is smelly and expensive. I supplement their kibble with cooked chicken liver, salmon skin and other goodies but kibble is the mainstay. And when they curl up with me and use my leg as a headrest I melt.

What’s another bruise or two when you have love like this?

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There's no option but to "procure the water". Hahaha. You are so funny. This is hilarious. I love it. Thank you for "following me", that's how I found you here. If this is any indication of what I can expect from you, I am happy. PAAAAAHahhaa...... "When to just throw it away" I know that move well. *pins good parenting and partnering award here. "anti- lego protection slippers" = genius.

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Mar 26Liked by Walter Rhein

perfect story to send off to my son and partner who are expecting their first child. i can't tell you how many times i've taken the Lords name in vain over GODDAMN legos.

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What a wonderful writing! Thank you for your modern day heroism just in case no one remembers to tell you today!

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Thanks for this charming story, Walter.

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This is hilarious. I love it. Hahaha. Thank you for "following me", that's how I found you here. If this is any indication of what I can expect from you, I am happy. PAAAAAHahhaa. *pins award here.

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