She is a lawyer as well as a politician, so she's used to engaging with people speaking under oath. Whereas his actual debating skills are minimal. So the odds are already stacked against him.

The most important oath she needs to be able to take is the one about how "I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States."

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Yup! Absolutely!

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She could start with: "I'm Kamala Harris, for the People.

My opponent is Donald J. Trump for: Donald J.Trump".

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Thank you!

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This would be great, but I doubt it will happen. I suspect DJT will find a way to weasel out of the debate altogether, which can be used by the Democratic party in advertising, too. Either way, it's a win.

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Yeah, I suspect that will be the case as well. He'll weasel out, but that will be another opportunity to make him look weak.

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Aug 27Liked by Walter Rhein

He takes every opportunity to look weak. The unstoppable mouth sees to it, daily.

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Aug 27Liked by Walter Rhein

100% agree. To your question--how in the hell did we get here? He's been a catastrophe for this nation. I cannot fathom how he's even allowed to run for ANY office, let alone president. He is a stain on this country that doesn't seem to wash out. I cannot wait for the day that we neither see his face nor hear his name. Will that day ever come?

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Aug 27Liked by Walter Rhein

Excellent post, Walter. I love this kind of thinking. In fact, back in June before the debate, I posted an essay entitled “I Wish Joe Biden Would . . .” which listed several things Joe Biden could do or say to make his felonious opponent freak out. Here’s the link: https://thestormbynorm.substack.com/p/i-wish-joe-biden-would?r=1qaj9v . Recently I reread it and thought that, with a minimal amount of editing, it could work for Kamala Harris, too. I think she, and anyone who values our democracy, should keep hammering away at the lying liar scumbag leading the Regressive Party. All our voices must be heard.

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Thanks Norm and thanks for the restack!

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Aug 27Liked by Walter Rhein

Wish Wonder Woman would show up with that truth telling lassoo.

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I hope Kamala’s team pitches the idea to her. Will be wild!

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Well, if Hakeem Jeffries is in sync with me, maybe it's possible :)

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Drumpf is a sack of moldy 💩.. he’s only running for the Presidency because he’s a grifter and liar and con artist and it’s going to catch up with him.. he should be in prison and everyone knows it.

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I think the taking of an oath of truthfulness before the debate is a good idea, but then again tRump took the presidential oath to uphold and defend the Constitution, and look how he behaved. I think oath or no, he is a born liar who is irredeemable.

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He is. Our job is to make the rest of the country understand this, and expose him on national television.

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Walter... The issue is more basic. The oath is only useful if you are mentally fit to stand trial and know the difference between right and wrong. Is there a way, in our laws of the land, to release Trump from running for President by Reasons of Insanity?

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