Sep 18Liked by Walter Rhein

Thanks for the post, Walter. I care about whatever plans and policies Kamala Harris has for the future of America, but none of that stuff matters at the moment. I'll unpack all of that after she wins. Only two things truly matter to me right now. One is, obviously, that Kamala gets enough votes to keep that narcissistic, democracy-hating, Putin-loving, convicted felon out of the White House. And, the second is that we voters give our new president a Congress that will work with her. I do not believe it is an overstatement to say, accomplishing these goals amounts to saving our democracy from the immediate danger posed by her felonious opponent. As an American, what more worthy goal could there be?

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I agree.

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Agree, the media often run or owned by white supremacists are there to make Trump look more sane.


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Sep 18Liked by Walter Rhein

Thank you 🙏 Appreciate this well written post. You nailed it ❗️🙋‍♀️🇺🇸💙

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Sep 18Liked by Walter Rhein

I have to say that if the worst happens, I will really hope to be able to say to the corporate media “I told you so!” Because the vile creature they are trying to install has repeatedly called them enemies of the people. They will, as media outlets and journalists in fascist regimes have discovered, be in for a world of hurt. They should have enough education to fucking know better!

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Thank you Walter for saying what is and has been on my mind, and I am sure millions of others!!!

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Thanks Gene!

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Totally agree. Sometimes I wish the media would just ignore the jerk.

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This Martha's Vineyard-bashing is lazy bullshit, exactly the kind of crap we're used to getting from the lazy media you seem so up in arms about.

If you want to talk to rural voters, you can come to Martha's Vineyard. We're a rural island and we'll be happy to educate you. It's true that we have a lot of seasonal visitors who come from cities or suburbia, and many of them are wealthy. But the year-round population is decidedly working-class. There are many working farms. 50% of the students in our schools speak a language other than English at home. And yes, we vote more reliably Democratic than any other county, rural, suburban, or urban, in the USA. So maybe you should set your prejudice aside, climb down off your soapbox and get to know us. Maybe you'll learn something.

As someone who who co-directed a Martha's Vineyard food pantry for 20 years I don't need to be condescended to about how rich and out of touch we are here. As a person who grew up on a farm and has a degree in agricultural economics, I don't need a lecture about the concerns of rural folk. As a retired volunteer firefighter on Martha's Vineyard — where many of our streets are not paved, and many houses are beyond the reach of hydrants — I don't need instruction in small-town values, or an explanation of why we're not "really" rural. As someone who lives in a working-class community with a larger percentage of immigrants than Springfield, Ohio, I don't need to hear about how insulated my friends and neighbors are from the rhetoric of Vance, Trump et al.

I'm used to Martha's Vineyard bashing from Fox News, Ron DeSantis and their ilk. It's really galling to get this kind of shit from somebody who purports to speak for our side.

I'll probably delete this note ten minute from now, but for now, here it is.

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Walter, need a sentence or two in the beginning to explain the "controversy," not just a link. I'm reading along and I'm wondering what is he talking about, what did the Ojibwe do wrong that caused this. So, of course, I had to go back and click the link. A brief explanation in the beginning would've prevented that.

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I wanted you to click the link. The text worked exactly as I designed it to work. The story isn’t about the controversy itself, it’s about my reaction to the controversy. Thanks for the helpful comment!

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Those who are voting 3rd party could be drawn back into the fold, if Harris made very clear she will break with Israel--quit sending them weapons, and commit to a negotiated settlement between Russia and Ukraine.

Sick of the NATO sabre rattling. There should be NO question that sending long range missiles to Ukraine, risks a nuclear escalation in that region. Harris will lose if she continues the fight for American unipolar global control, at the risk of vaporizing the planet.

All other considerations are moot points.

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RemovedSep 18
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Sep 18·edited Sep 18Author

Sorry, I had to remove your comment because of the last line. I know you were being facetious, but authorities are all over language like that in the US lately. I'm sure you understand.

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