Sep 11·edited Sep 11Liked by Walter Rhein

Normally your use of the word "he" in a title like this would occasion me to ask what man you are talking about, but in this case that is not necessary.

I'm a Canadian, and I consider this affair none of my business because I obviously cannot vote in this election. All I can hope for is that the correct choice is ultimately made, and that the government will pass laws after this preventing mentally incompetent people from running for office and voting.

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Yeah, ha! I wanted to get to the part about eating dogs, that seemed to be the best hook for a headline. Now that I look at it, I probably should have just put "Eating Dogs and other lies by the dementia dictator" headlines always deserve extra consideration.

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What is it with the GOP candidates? They seem unduly fixated on the pets of their citizens. First "cat ladies" and not trying to frighten people about the safety of their pet dogs.

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* That should have been NOW trying to frighten people about the safety of their pet dogs.

I realize that changes the meaning entirely. I have to learn to proofread more carefully. *hangs her head*

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He might have gotten confused and thought he was talking about China and not the U.S., since, sadly, they don't mind eating the odd canine there...

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David, as a Canadian, you do have influence by what you pay attention to online, what you boost with that attention, and what you pass on to others. In addition, VP Harris spoke more than once about the way the rest of the world laughed at DJT, thinks he is the worst representative of the USA, and is dangerous to everyone - voting citizen of the US or not. His seemingly offhand comment about Russia having nuclear weapons was a thinly veiled threat. It smacks of Mafia-type "warnings" that "it would be awful if something happened to your little business here" or "to your family" (or whatever else is terrifying) "if you don't do as" the Mafia Don says. More than many people from many, many other countries, Canadians DO have a stake in this - we sit atop the world's largest powder keg, and the fuse has been burning for years. We, in Canada, shouldn't have to be quiet when we have a crazy neighbour like we do. Canada just can't interfere, but we sure can make our derision crystal clear.

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Canada has a stake in this election as does the rest of the free world. We can't vote but we can ask, no BEG, Americans to send the orange cockwomble to the garbage bin of history. Vote BLUE!

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I was only speaking for myself individually, Vicky. Canada's government is making sure it gets prepared for the fallout regardless of the result.

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Yeah, I know. But I don't believe the fallout is only potential tariffs or the like.

The other piece is that we have to be vigilant about the effect of US political candidates feeling that it is a legitimate plan to try to gain political traction by making up lies to frighten people on our own political representatives. Personally, I hate it when I see people up here spouting rhetoric that could be lifted directly from the long-term GOP playbook - and that includes "othering" immigrants, promoting "me first and to hell with anyone else" attitudes, and the move to a theocracy. I don't think I am being an alarmist in this either.

Of course, David, I am also speaking for myself.

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You're right, his mouth does look like a sphincter when he talks 😆💙🌊🇺🇸

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Yup, and the same thing comes out.

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Sep 11Liked by Walter Rhein

I thought Kamala did well, but after it was over, instead of being happy about her performance, I was wishing she had hit the Orange Baboon even harder. After I calmed down, I realized that addressing every one of his lies would use up all the time she had. His method is to overwhelm the world with his verbal diarrhea and make it impossible to refute everything in real time. He counts on the fact that some shit is going to leak through. And, it really pissed me off that the moderators did not cut off his mic when it wasn’t his turn to speak. Were they afraid of seeming unfair or biased? Calling out a bullying liar when he is lying right to your face is not bias. It’s called doing your job. In my opinion, journalists should only have one bias - the truth.

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I agree with that. I felt the same.

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I know it is tempting for want her to be the warrior she is and TAKE HIM DOWN, but there is a concern that she must always be aware of - a woman will be seen very differently than a man if she actually does that. I think VP Harris was reasonably forceful in her treatment of him, especially in calling him out on his crap without sounding hysterical or or activating the fear that SOME men feel when they see a woman get an upper hand. That's not an easy balancing act for her.

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Exactly. She struck the right balance. She knew exactly how far she could push without being "distasteful" or "strident."

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You're right, women are judged by a very different standard from their male counterparts.

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Who thinks that Trump will appeal the verdict of the debate?

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That's funny!

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Of course he will. The verdict will be rendered by the voters, and we KNOW he's going to appeal that when he loses. But I admit that is is helpful to already know how his playbook works. Miguel de Cervantes' famous quote,"Forewarned, forearmed; to be prepared is half the victory," is still true, so true.

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Donald Quixote will still be going around shouting about windmills,me thinks.

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That got a laugh out of me.

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Sep 11Liked by Walter Rhein

[We all know how awful he is in public, can you imagine what he must do when he suspects nobody is watching?]

Such a great line — although, I think we know (Access Hollywood) and “we” still voted that POS in 😳

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We know some of it, I bet there are videos out there which are too horrific to watch.

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An absolute wealth of material being sat on that will only be released if he were to somehow pose a threat to a bottom line. RFK jr knows what that’s like.

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So troubling to think about.

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Sep 11Liked by Walter Rhein

Well, his bud picks up bear cub carcasses for supper!

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Sep 12·edited Sep 12Author

Yeah, Captain Brainworm... you can't write these storylines. Thanks for the comment!

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First, the boogeyman 'liberal media' does not exist. The majority are owned by right wing capitalists. Second, I have read several articles that pointed out that the media has made MILLIONS to date giving Trump a pulpit. The more he bloviates, the more they rake in. They will never treat him like the deranged felon he is. Because of this, IMHO, professional journalism is dead. Goodbye Woodward and Bernstein. It was nice to have watched real journalists in action.

I only have one word for all this. VOTE

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I don't think the media is motivated by money, they're funded by Russia. They just want to destroy the country.

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I have to disagree. Though Russia is involved, it is still about money. If it's one thing I learned in life, it's always follow the money.

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There's more money in corrupting a government than there is in selling advertisements on a propaganda "news" station.

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Sep 11Liked by Walter Rhein

It is mortifying to be an American abroad these days. When I meet people for the first time, they can tell from my accent that I’m not a native Swede. But the look of pity (an occasional one of disgust) is crushing. I have found myself considerably saying I’m Canadian. (I grew up right on the border, so not a total stretch.) Sweet Potato Hitler is 💯% right when he says the rest of the world is laughing at us. He’s also 💯% WRONG about why.

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I used to say I was from Canada. I'm from Wisconsin so it's pretty much true. :) The rest of the world is disgusted by us and rightfully so.

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I agree. I am afraid and cautious. I didn’t believe all the optimism before the 2016 election because I lived in Russia and I have lived in a red state for too long and I’ve been a woman all my life (and loved Hillary Clinton as a woman role model since the late 90s). Not even my husband and my son took my fears seriously until they broke down the night of the elections. I took no pleasure in saying I told you so. (I was happy to be wrong in 2020).

MAGA (both the uneducated and the educated classes among them), misogynists, people who cannot think beyond their individual tax returns and tax cuts (among the wealthy, among the middle class, among the immigrants) are too many. I see them every day around me. Not to mention the people who hate change and progress and the people who just hate, period.

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It's time and long past time to amend the Electoral College OUT of the Constitution. It's one thing to have several states recognize the folly and work their electoral votes to counter it, but it's still: Win the right combo of these seven states or go home. The nationwide popular vote should prevail, as it does in other democratic or advanced (pick your label) nations.

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The way the democrats shrug and say, "That's just the way it is, oh well" is really frustrating. They need to push back against oppression with force.

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Sep 11Liked by Walter Rhein

Absolutely right, Watler. A few sane Rs hope he loses big so they can rebuild their party, Some lucid few predicted that he would destroy the GOP way back in 2015, but look at how the majority of them kowtowed to him, to the detriment of the party and the nation. Soulless, unprincipled idiots.

As he fades, our nation also needs much recovery from his toxic brand. His popularity tells us some very troubling things about our own people.

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The fact that the electoral college is so rigged that he really has a chance to get back into power really bothers me.

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Sep 11Liked by Walter Rhein

EC needs to be flushed

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Hey Walter, I listened to the 90 minutes because I wanted to hear Kamala talk. It was painful every time Trump spoke because it was lies and disrespect for America, all citizens, and everything but him. I hope the children can see what a bully he is and what grown ups do when Trump threatens their family, values, safety, and peace. I'm disappointed that the ABC top-level journalists failed to shut off the mic and use the remainder of the two minutes to call out each and every fact-checked lie and sweeping generalization. Why have moderators if they won't do what journalists are trained to do, which is find truths and nail truths to the wall, if they can find any.

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There is no celebration after a showing like that. HIs presence makes everything disgraceful.

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Very true. It greatly disturbs me that nearly half the population eats up this garbage. So far, no Trump campaign signs in my neighborhood, which is essentially purple--just outside the deep blue oasis of Austin, TX. Texas is decidedly red overall, but Biden won in my county in 2020. I have high hopes. It seems Trump disciples aren't as likely to advertise their choice as in 2020. Ashamed? I hope.

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Sep 12Liked by Walter Rhein

Everything, literally everything, is absolutely wrong with him!😒🤪🤤🎃🤡👻💩💀

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I agree.

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I agree 100%! I was yelling at the moderators to do their jobs. It's ridiculous. They would rather make "good TV" than acknowledge the orange inflatable elephant in the room. I think Harris did an excellent job balancing her attacks with trying to get the focus of the conversation on track. I do wish I heard more policy from her BUT only because trump constantly derailed and was permitted to derail the flow and subject (to the degree he has a subject) of the conversation. Like, someone needed to stand up and be like "Really? We are really letting this happen? Is everyone seeing and hearing what I'm seeing and hearing? Wake up!" Sigh. Thanks for writing this. It's exactly how I felt. In glad to see she knows exactly where to hit him and to do it without looking petty or sunken to his level. She's crushing it and I look forward to her Presidency.

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Thanks Elizabeth! I wonder if the media has been telling her to talk about policy to try and trick her into not attacking him. It's bizarre that they never emphasize that trump has not discussed even one policy position ever. The double standard is really sickening. The further we get away from the debate, the more I like it. When they pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Act, Republicans will never win another election.

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I don't think Kamala Harris is one to be tricked. I think she is calculating, and knows exactly what double standard she is up against. If she attacked him the way we wanted her to, it would be to her disadvantage. This is the world we live in. I can't count the number of times I've read combative, overly direct or critical emails from white male colleagues and said to myself "I would be disciplined if I wrote something like that." The double standard is there, and more so for women who are racialized as something other than white. It's been there for centuries. This just showed it.

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Yes she navigated multiple double standards. The DNC often embraces failing strategies.

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100000000000% Campaigning for the DNC is incredibly frustrating for that reason. I am grateful to have left that behind.

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Sep 11Liked by Walter Rhein

Yet when Grandma is reduced to eating cat food to get by when her Social Security gets cut, the orange sphincter (hey, that’s MY word!😉) wouldn’t give a rats ass that her or any other starving children are without food. I text/watched the debate with my 4 kids, 2 on each coast. We are collectively repulsed by this moron and can’t wait to vote. I pray that I will be instrumental in flipping NC🙋🏼‍♀️

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