Oct 3Liked by Walter Rhein

Thank you for saying what everyone SHOULD be saying! I yelled, “YES!” outload repeatedly while reading your post. I will NEVER understand how anyone could vote for Trump or anyone like him. I’m totally disgusted by the number of supporters he has and what that says about our country. I’m going to share your post on every platform that I can because people need to hear this. I appreciate you!

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Oct 3Liked by Walter Rhein

I'm 69 years old and I will go toe to toe with a rapist apologist any time, anywhere. I turned my ballot blue yesterday, while wearing a We won't go back t-shirt. I wear a Kamala t-shirt every time I go out, and dare anyone to say something.

In the 70s, I fought for abortion rights. I've fought for equal rights my entire life. Why do we not just put an amendment in the constitution and end this bs forever?

Trump for Prison 2024!

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You're awesome!

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Oct 3Liked by Walter Rhein

That’s amazing! I too wear my various Kamala t-shirts whenever I go out. I appreciate you and all that you have done to fight for our rights.

I agree that they need to amend the constitution!

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RemovedOct 3
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Why do you have to disrespect people like that

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People say things like that when they don’t have anything of substance to say.

And when they want to be instantly blocked.

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Did you just say that intrusive thought out loud? Would you say that to your mother/sister/daughter/niece/significant other? Your insecurities and misogyny are showing. Shame on you!

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Yes, you are, if you believe anything that comes from Trump's mouth after the DOCUMENTED AND FACT CHECKED 30,000 lies he told while in office. Go ahead, come at me, bro. BTW, you should look at the 168 page brief released by Judge Chutkin. Maybe you could learn something about the orange shitstain.

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What is remarkable to me is that many Republicans do not espouse "Christ consciousness." They do not try to elevate their spirituality to a higher awareness. They do not seek enlightenment through actions of love, compassion, and service to others. They hate those that are different from them. They think their spirituality is better than someone else's spirituality. They hate because they follow a false and hateful leader whose lies transcend any form of enlightenment. Enveloped in his toxic vapor trail of hate, they continue to support this false and evil "prophet" who has no empathy, no compassion for others, and no real connection to their actual needs.

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It's american fast food christianity, it's been bad for society for a long time.

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Oct 3Liked by Walter Rhein

It is blasphemy. Don’t let these people get away with it!

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Oct 3Liked by Walter Rhein

Thanks, Walter, for saying what needs to be said. I believe my latest mantra fits well with your post. It is a quote from one of my favorite Substackers (well, okay, me), "No Votes For Criminals".

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Yup. We can't submit to this assumption that these accusations are somehow "out of bounds." They're facts!

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GOOD, GOOD, GOOD, it is about time that the truth be spoken. Trump had turned our world inside out. According to him and the rest of the Republicans good is bad and bad is good. But when. you call Trump a Hitler that's bad. Well I guess I have been bad for quite a while. I have been comparing Trump to Hitler for years.

I wish there was a way to let Hitler, I mean Trump, to have control of the US until he does his worst. Then when all the MAGA's start crying about how bad everything is, then maybe they would see what we have been talking about. But that is fantasy. The reality is if tRump gets in it will be the end of America. It will be the end of democracy and freedom. If we let this happen on our watch then somehow we let it happen. Sit like this does not happen in a vacuum. The Republicans have been working toward this goal for decades. This is our last chance. In about a month we might be witness to the last free legal election in our country is this the legacy we are going to give our children and our grandchildren? For democracy and for America there is no tomorrow, there is no second chance our day of truth is November 5th. How are you going to answer your children?

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The slow erosion of democracy in the US has been infuriating to watch. Anyone who points it out is dismissed and ridiculed. It's frustrating. Thanks for the comment!

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Exactly. He is inevitable and in the pipeline for years. At least Hitler smiled once in a while. VOTE BLUE!!!! Hell, I'm even working the polls this year.

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"Excuse me, but why is it that Democrats aren't bringing this up at every opportunity? Are there strategists out there who are seriously arguing that the fact that a man is a rapist doesn't make him less likely to get elected?"

They nominated a woman as their Presidential candidate! That's the best anti-rapist defense I can imagine.

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That’s a good point!

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Oct 3Liked by Walter Rhein

You must go with your instincts about the GOP! Can’t trust anything they say!

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Oct 4Liked by Walter Rhein

I have no guilt whatsoever about hating Republicans who refuse to allow me, or any other woman, to make our own individual decisions about pregnancy. Those Republicans had better stop towing the party so unquestioningly, or they will find themselves on the losing end of one election after another.

P. S. There is a reason why Yale graduates like JD Vance are called "Yalies," which is NOT meant as a compliment.

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All of this. So much. We are so tired of being raped, being told we weren't raped, watching rapists get away with rape, then being told they didn't rape anybody, even if they get convicted of rape. And if I DARE call DonOld a rapist to Repugs, they will counter with "Bill Clinton is a rapist." Yeah. But that doesn't mean DonOld ISN'T a rapist. I am not apologizing for Clinton's rape allegations. Then they tell me Biden is a pedaphile. And Hillary runs the Epstein teen sex island and pedo-pizza-parlor. Sigh. I'm so tired.

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Thank you!

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This is absolutely spot on! Thank you for saying it!

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Thank you for reading/sharing :)

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E. Jean Carroll V Donald J Trump: Full Documentary by Brave New Films was released yesterday. I posted about it today, and included the YT link in my post. It is also linked on E Jean Carroll's Substack "Ask E Jean" and the BNF YT channel. I wish we could force all of his voters to watch it. I don't know if it's cool to put links in others' comments threads, so I didn't - but it's easy to find.

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You’re so right. They also doxx and harass them on here (feel free to read my own tale of “whoa that person’s crazy”).


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Damn if I am going to carry any of their responsibility for the vile way they behave. They must have had parents who didn’t teach manners and good conduct. They dug their own hole so let them stay stuck in the mud.

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Ya….no! Republicans don’t make me feel guilty for calling them out on their BS. They just make me angry.

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Love love love your stance, Tell it.

So many white men losing their minds for Trump, it's maddening.

Trump will incinerate these United States.

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💯% Agree!

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Oh you must have misunderstood, JDbilly. I said, “Shitler!” Got it?

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