What's your argument for supporting genocide? Or quashing nonviolent protests on college campuses? Or voting for a man who was the architect of the incredibly racist and problematic 95 Crime Bill? Or supporting a man who cavorted with segregationists? The list fucking goes on, but please do tell me how genocide Joe is the "lesser of two evils" or how his counterpart in the duopoly is the end of civilisation.

Could it be that the DUOPOLY is the problem, with its bullshit distinctions without differences between "conservatives" (a group you refuse to actually define) and "liberals?" Ohhhh. Right. Honest assessments don't garner clicks and likes for hucksters like you.

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"But we no longer have a right to privacy in the USA and that’s because conservatives are too ignorant to protect our unenumerated rights."

The destruction of rights in the US has been overwhelmingly bipartisan for at least the past 23 years. Perhaps neocons have more of a responsibility, but it's not as if the Chuck Schumers in the party have had any objections.

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No. Conservatives are the ones doing it.

If you want to preserve rights, vote Progressive.

If there is no progressive, vote Democrat.

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1. Treatment of an ectopic pregnancy is not an abortion and is not banned anywhere.

2. “Convicted felon” doesn’t land with the POC Dem base how you think it does.

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You're wrong.


Abortion absolutely IS the treatment and it absolutely IS banned in some states.


Ignorant people like you who spread misinformation like your comment make me absolutely sick. You're directly contributing to getting people killed, so sit down and shut up.

I won't even address your number 2 because it's idiotic. The POC Dem base knows that the Republicans have targeted them for a race war.

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Since many POC know or have family members who are “convicted felons”, sometimes unjustly convicted, it seemed a bit shortsighted to use it as a diss, but whatever.

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Wait...isn’t the argument that the convictions are bullshit? Is there another argument I don’t know about? (Omitting the left leaning arguments of course)

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He's not a convicted felon, he's a Justice Impacted Person.

January 6th was, quite obviously, a Mostly Peaceful Protest.

Defund the police!

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he's a felon. trump lost. January 6th was treason.

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Jun 23Liked by Walter Rhein

This is powerful! Thank you for stating the obvious so articulated! Just wow!❤

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Will it make you pissed off?

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40 million illegals and countless more on the way. None of your bed wetting middle school tantrums mean shit compared to that. There is one issue. The rest is dick sucking.

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Trump supporters hate human beings. Vote Biden

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…”Vote Trump for proven Peace”…”Vote harris/bidet if you want to send your children into the war machine meat grinder”…”simples”…!!.

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Because none of the 4 charges that were expanded to 34 are felonies. They are all misdemeanor bookkeeping regulations.

Now that he’s been found guilty of 32 bogus charges, you can be as well. Just mess up on your checkbook, or forget to pay your tax, or miscarry that ten cents, and you too can be a felon.

None of the charges were for paying off Stormy Daniels (Which isn’t a crime,) or election Fraud, (in which case, the feds would have charged him.)

He wasn’t even found guilty of all 32 charges, but a mixture of several of them.

And the judge told the lawyers “Don’t worry about the law, that’s my job.”

This was a kangaroo court, and if Biden had been subjected to it, I would be denounce it as well.

Justice wasn’t just blinded, she was stripped and left for dead on a bloody wooden floor.

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“give the people what they want”.

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What’s your argument for defending a senile, 50 year swamp creature that refuses to defend his own countries borders .

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That you're a rude liar. The only threat this country faces is from trump supporting traitors.

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Wow, that’s quite a well thought out defense of someone that’s been lying as a government employee for over fifty years.

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whatever said that sketch is just brilliant. As for felons and all the b*llsh*t american drama. We must remember that every American president is a mass murderer, way more than a pathetic felon. Law abiding serfs of America, who live inside a police state should know better.

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I read your writing and I do feel some sorrow for your deep hurt, bitterness, and hatefulness. I say kindly, it reads as though that you had a picture of any person who said they are a registered Conservative and was told to “now let it all out what you’re feeling within your being.”

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Conservatives are hateful. They've attacked my children because my wife is an immigrant. They've declared war, then they whine when the innocent fight back.

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Define “attacked.”

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Bro he won't even define "conservative." Good fuckin luck.

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Jun 16Liked by Walter Rhein

I am so overjoyed after reading this. Not from the topic because reading, talking and thinking about a possible Trump presidency literally makes me physically ill - but what brings me joy is the way you SLAMMED the truth of this issue to the ground, no holds barred, no apologies, no "there are two sides to every..." blah blah blah BS. You have nailed it and have called out this culture of complicity where everyone - reporters, pundits, family, friends, co-workers - act as if this is all "okay" somehow. That shows me how the rules have been changed, dispelled, debunked and how so many people's minds have changed as to what our country supposedly stood for once upon a time...or is that, too, a fairy tale?

I listened to a short segment from CNN in which Trump supporters at a rally were asked if they were worried about us losing democracy if Trump is reelected. Like parrots, they all repeated the same line: "We have never been a democracy, we are a republic." A political historian then chimed in to say that these terms, historically, have meant the same things and were interchangeable. But what worried her, she said, is that what the Trump followers meant by this was that they are open and killing to let Trump do whatever he wants when and if he gets elected again.

As you stated, women have already lost rights. What is next? Who is next? Trump is a useful idiot who got the conservatives what they wanted: the supreme court justices to outlaw Roe v Wade, reinstate bump stocks, and probably give Trump and all future presidents and despots complete immunity.

It. Is. Insane. And you are right: we are all complicit if we say nothing.

I liken the code of silence of which you speak to growing up in a dysfunctional alcoholic home. We did not talk about the insanity going on around us. We all felt like it was crazy, knew it was crazy but nonetheless remained in our heads and ignored it. Until one day, one of us spoke up, rebeled and called it for what it was. That led to change and healing.

The emperor has NO CLOTHES! And we need to keep shouting it from the rooftops.

The Republican Convention is coming to Milwaukee, where I live, next month. I plan on speaking out there. I invite you to join me, Walter!!!

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Are you going to stage some protests? Wow, that would be exciting. Make sure to take pictures and write about it. We should be able to get an article boosted on that. "How I protested Trump at the GOP convention in Milwaukee"

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Jun 16Liked by Walter Rhein

I wish I could believe this would change someone’s mind. Maybe it will help some if the complacent wake up. There is so much denial happening right now. Miami is flooding, but Florida is a “don’t say climate change” state, marking an incredible example of the cognitive dissonance at work.

I am afraid Walter, very afraid - for my daughter, for your daughters, for you, for all of us. Conservatives are lemmings running off the cliff together and they will sweep us all off with them - on purpose, just to “own us.” Grievances, Vengeance and Hatred has become all they are capable of.

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Jun 16Liked by Walter Rhein

I am very afraid, too, Maura.

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I feel we have to speak up whether or not we feel it will change someone's mind. It's not going to happen from one single argument, but from a tidal wave of truth. Too often, the rational remain silent.

I'm afraid too. Thanks for your kind comment.

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Jun 16Liked by Walter Rhein

We won’t go silent!

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