That so many Americans just cannot see how much hate that fucking traitor/crook has brought to our politics and society is crazy. He has taken us back, as you said, Walter, and purposely erased any progress that we thought Obama's election helped to make. Open threats of violence, open xenophobia, incendiary lies. After he is defeated electorally and hopefully sent to jail, we can begin to heal our country and move toward more understanding and tolerance. That will not be possible as long as he has the national stage.
I clearly enjoy your posts but I also enjoy growing extra food for my neighbors so with no deference to your work I’ll invest my small amount of extra cash there .
I have 3 kids - one is native born but foreign conceived Aztec Indian as we have discovered . 2 is native born Chinese with no known background And is 5-10 . 3 is a native born definition of white - Irish / English /german - my own .
I employ immigrants and their progeny . Mostly Mexicans but I’ve also encountered a Guatemalan with a doctorate in agriculture , Ecuadorean , Brazilian, one Australian that I believe was a fugitive from something , a man who graduated 6 th grade at the age of 18 , abandoned on the streets at age of six and adopted at 12 , migrated some time later . Colombians and so on .
They all wanted a better life and I helped . No regrets and no need for thanks . I’m a member of a class - people who care and I hope others will join
This one hits home, very close to home ... I've heard it all myself.
I was wondering, Walter, did your wife write this piece and/or helped you writing it? It sounds so first person and accurate :-) if not, great and successful empathy exercise there sir (for the parts not directly relevant to your experience of course, I'm keenly aware you're in the midst of all of it having an immigrant wife and bi-racial children).
My wife and I have had a lot of conversations about this, and we’ve both experienced this kind of conversation. However, not as much these days. I suspect that’s because I’ve cut almost all Trump supporters out of my life so I’m not longer accustomed to hearing this kind of thing. Thanks for your kind words. Yes, I wrote it, but it was inspired by things my wife said. I believe some of her direct quotations make it into the text. The line about “sassy” comes from her. Thanks for your thoughtful inquiry Luc!
We immigrants understand nuance keenly, we have to, we must to survive. The nuances of my immigrant experience are not lost on me, I am a 6'2" 250lbs white hairy and bearded Frenchman after all 😂.
One thing an about being a Russian asset: if your usefulness ends, stay away from high windows or walking on Russian streets where you may get a bullet in the back of the head. Absolutely, send his fat ass to Russia
Just talked with a close friend the other day. We are both Asian-Americans. He mentioned that one of his other fairly close friends who I've met a couple of times is a MAGA. This guy is a Swiss immigrant, he is married to a Filipina-American, an obvious "brown person," they have two mixed race kids, including a daughter in her late twenties or early 30s. I guess because he's white, being an immigrant does not compute in his paradigm regarding MAGA xenophobia. But to ignore the obvious hatred of his family, wow. And the right wing oppression of women, and the draconian restrictions that may potentially endanger his own daughter's life? I was stunned. Makes me want to never see this idiot again. Hope I don't.
You're totally right, white supremacy can totally override immigration if you let it do it (and your Swiss friend did, turns out I was born in Annecy, right next to Switzerland so see, we don't all have to turn like him blind to the oppression of those we live around us ^^).
Thank you so much for thinking about me, brother, I appreciate it :-). I am a writer, but I am not looking to write a regular publication at this time. Got a book coming up with Will though! And Will's writing up there is sooo good!!!
I’m also the same. Hawaiian Asian Norwegian. My husband is white and comes from a small town 30 minutes from our house. Someone gave him a MAGA hat. I lost my sh*t when I saw him wearing it. I’m planning on retiring back to my islands. I’m at a point where I have zero tolerance to anything that Orange Douche says or does or promotes including a f*cking baseball hat. So if my husband decides that f*cking hat is important.. then the truth is: I’m out. I’m not going to put me and my kids thru racist BS.. including that f*cking hat. His response is it’s just a hat.. then throw it away you have dozens of baseball hats. But if you want to keep wearing that hat just because you’re stubborn and don’t like anyone telling you what to do. Have a nice life. This is what happens when your in a bi racial marriage and one half supports that Orange Dumb*ss and the other supports HOPE and freedom for all people regardless of where you come from or the color of your skin. I’ll keep you posted.
Hi Morgan, best wishes to you from one 🍍to another. Yeah, supporting that racist, facsist vinsurrectionist, traitorous lying sexual predator is a deal breaker for me.
Update: he’s NOT voting for the Orange Insurrectionist. He’s only voting for our areas policies.. and he wrote in Vivek.. hubby does not like big government. So I watched as he filled out his early voting ballot. And he gave it me to put it in our local Drop Box.. holy fuck crisis mode downgraded from red alert to.. warning sign do not F with your wife.
Articulate is the word for you, but how sad and accurate you are in describing how people talk themselves into violence against anyone unlike themselves…
I understand completely--it hurts when people you thought were down with you reveal their intolerance and backward thinking. You never see the world the same again.
I cannot be around people like that. At least not for very long or on a regular basis. Luckily all my friends, close and casual, are not MAGA. I view being in that cult as a major cognitive and character malfunction. See my comment to Luc above
Thank you for this! I found this out in my last job. I was hired as a school psychologist because I speak Spanish. I had just moved to Ventura County, California. I took a job in a small town with a high immigrant population of migrant farm workers. Although I am not Hispanic, I was treated like garbage by the special education director and his staff apparently because they thought I was Hispanic. As I tried to work through the absolute cruel racism in this district, I was met with complete resistance. I pointed out the obvious, when a young child enters first grade and doesn’t speak English, it is against the law to do an intelligence test in English and label them retarded. After I did an assessment in Spanish and met with the family, the child was average if not above average functioning. Before I arrived this child had spent first grade in a segregated portable classroom away from the school with children who were nonverbal and not toilet trained. The parents were devastated about their “ retarded” child. I spent the rest of the year fighting for this child and the other immigrant children. I was outnumbered and they pulled some trick to limit my health insurance to get rid of me. I will never forget this.
Thank you for advocating. My wife has run into the same issue as well. It’s commonplace in the US to put ELL kids in Special education. If you’d like to write about this experience for Medium, I’d be happy to assist you. Don’t hesitate to send me a direct message.
I would be happy too. My advisor at the University of Arizona was head of Minority Assessment. I worked in a very diverse large school district in Tucson which followed the law. LULAC was very active. If you wanted a position where you called yourself bilingual, you had to get a certification in Bilingual Education. You can imagine my horror when I worked in Moorpark, California!
Keep telling them the truth about themselves! Maybe one day they will wake up! Keep writing, sir! I look forward to reading your excellent posts! Love your work! Whatever you do, don’t bottle it up inside. Stay true to your family and yourself!
That so many Americans just cannot see how much hate that fucking traitor/crook has brought to our politics and society is crazy. He has taken us back, as you said, Walter, and purposely erased any progress that we thought Obama's election helped to make. Open threats of violence, open xenophobia, incendiary lies. After he is defeated electorally and hopefully sent to jail, we can begin to heal our country and move toward more understanding and tolerance. That will not be possible as long as he has the national stage.
Excellent comment, thank you so much!
T has a bucket list of evil. One of the biggest is UNdoing every one of Obama’s achievements.👹🤬
I clearly enjoy your posts but I also enjoy growing extra food for my neighbors so with no deference to your work I’ll invest my small amount of extra cash there .
I have 3 kids - one is native born but foreign conceived Aztec Indian as we have discovered . 2 is native born Chinese with no known background And is 5-10 . 3 is a native born definition of white - Irish / English /german - my own .
I employ immigrants and their progeny . Mostly Mexicans but I’ve also encountered a Guatemalan with a doctorate in agriculture , Ecuadorean , Brazilian, one Australian that I believe was a fugitive from something , a man who graduated 6 th grade at the age of 18 , abandoned on the streets at age of six and adopted at 12 , migrated some time later . Colombians and so on .
They all wanted a better life and I helped . No regrets and no need for thanks . I’m a member of a class - people who care and I hope others will join
That’s fantastic and appropriate Richard! Thank you!
This one hits home, very close to home ... I've heard it all myself.
I was wondering, Walter, did your wife write this piece and/or helped you writing it? It sounds so first person and accurate :-) if not, great and successful empathy exercise there sir (for the parts not directly relevant to your experience of course, I'm keenly aware you're in the midst of all of it having an immigrant wife and bi-racial children).
My wife and I have had a lot of conversations about this, and we’ve both experienced this kind of conversation. However, not as much these days. I suspect that’s because I’ve cut almost all Trump supporters out of my life so I’m not longer accustomed to hearing this kind of thing. Thanks for your kind words. Yes, I wrote it, but it was inspired by things my wife said. I believe some of her direct quotations make it into the text. The line about “sassy” comes from her. Thanks for your thoughtful inquiry Luc!
We immigrants understand nuance keenly, we have to, we must to survive. The nuances of my immigrant experience are not lost on me, I am a 6'2" 250lbs white hairy and bearded Frenchman after all 😂.
And I’m voting blue up and down ballot.. please stuff that Orange douche in a Fedex box and send him back to his buddies in Russia
One thing an about being a Russian asset: if your usefulness ends, stay away from high windows or walking on Russian streets where you may get a bullet in the back of the head. Absolutely, send his fat ass to Russia
I’ll take the win right now..
Just talked with a close friend the other day. We are both Asian-Americans. He mentioned that one of his other fairly close friends who I've met a couple of times is a MAGA. This guy is a Swiss immigrant, he is married to a Filipina-American, an obvious "brown person," they have two mixed race kids, including a daughter in her late twenties or early 30s. I guess because he's white, being an immigrant does not compute in his paradigm regarding MAGA xenophobia. But to ignore the obvious hatred of his family, wow. And the right wing oppression of women, and the draconian restrictions that may potentially endanger his own daughter's life? I was stunned. Makes me want to never see this idiot again. Hope I don't.
You're totally right, white supremacy can totally override immigration if you let it do it (and your Swiss friend did, turns out I was born in Annecy, right next to Switzerland so see, we don't all have to turn like him blind to the oppression of those we live around us ^^).
Luc, I've been meaning to ask you if you wanted to do some stories for Medium. Contact me if you do!
Thank you so much for thinking about me, brother, I appreciate it :-). I am a writer, but I am not looking to write a regular publication at this time. Got a book coming up with Will though! And Will's writing up there is sooo good!!!
I’m also the same. Hawaiian Asian Norwegian. My husband is white and comes from a small town 30 minutes from our house. Someone gave him a MAGA hat. I lost my sh*t when I saw him wearing it. I’m planning on retiring back to my islands. I’m at a point where I have zero tolerance to anything that Orange Douche says or does or promotes including a f*cking baseball hat. So if my husband decides that f*cking hat is important.. then the truth is: I’m out. I’m not going to put me and my kids thru racist BS.. including that f*cking hat. His response is it’s just a hat.. then throw it away you have dozens of baseball hats. But if you want to keep wearing that hat just because you’re stubborn and don’t like anyone telling you what to do. Have a nice life. This is what happens when your in a bi racial marriage and one half supports that Orange Dumb*ss and the other supports HOPE and freedom for all people regardless of where you come from or the color of your skin. I’ll keep you posted.
Hi Morgan, best wishes to you from one 🍍to another. Yeah, supporting that racist, facsist vinsurrectionist, traitorous lying sexual predator is a deal breaker for me.
Update: he’s NOT voting for the Orange Insurrectionist. He’s only voting for our areas policies.. and he wrote in Vivek.. hubby does not like big government. So I watched as he filled out his early voting ballot. And he gave it me to put it in our local Drop Box.. holy fuck crisis mode downgraded from red alert to.. warning sign do not F with your wife.
Articulate is the word for you, but how sad and accurate you are in describing how people talk themselves into violence against anyone unlike themselves…
Yeah, and it's so normalized. People are shocked when you call them out on it.
I understand completely--it hurts when people you thought were down with you reveal their intolerance and backward thinking. You never see the world the same again.
and I've never seen those people again either. :)
I cannot be around people like that. At least not for very long or on a regular basis. Luckily all my friends, close and casual, are not MAGA. I view being in that cult as a major cognitive and character malfunction. See my comment to Luc above
I've cut them all out of my life too.
A friend of mine once said, "When they say they don't mean you, they mean you." She nailed it.
Thank you for this! I found this out in my last job. I was hired as a school psychologist because I speak Spanish. I had just moved to Ventura County, California. I took a job in a small town with a high immigrant population of migrant farm workers. Although I am not Hispanic, I was treated like garbage by the special education director and his staff apparently because they thought I was Hispanic. As I tried to work through the absolute cruel racism in this district, I was met with complete resistance. I pointed out the obvious, when a young child enters first grade and doesn’t speak English, it is against the law to do an intelligence test in English and label them retarded. After I did an assessment in Spanish and met with the family, the child was average if not above average functioning. Before I arrived this child had spent first grade in a segregated portable classroom away from the school with children who were nonverbal and not toilet trained. The parents were devastated about their “ retarded” child. I spent the rest of the year fighting for this child and the other immigrant children. I was outnumbered and they pulled some trick to limit my health insurance to get rid of me. I will never forget this.
Thank you for advocating. My wife has run into the same issue as well. It’s commonplace in the US to put ELL kids in Special education. If you’d like to write about this experience for Medium, I’d be happy to assist you. Don’t hesitate to send me a direct message.
I would be happy too. My advisor at the University of Arizona was head of Minority Assessment. I worked in a very diverse large school district in Tucson which followed the law. LULAC was very active. If you wanted a position where you called yourself bilingual, you had to get a certification in Bilingual Education. You can imagine my horror when I worked in Moorpark, California!
Love this, rings the truth.
Keep telling them the truth about themselves! Maybe one day they will wake up! Keep writing, sir! I look forward to reading your excellent posts! Love your work! Whatever you do, don’t bottle it up inside. Stay true to your family and yourself!
Thank you Huley!
I love your writing, Walter. This piece is so heartfelt and personal. I’m so sorry that you have to go through this every day.
Thank you for your kind words!