Wow. Incredible. Tears. I have been so depressed thinking about what our country’s future looks like. I’ll try this second-to-second thing. And there is much to collaborate around.
Greetings, Walter Rhein! Because I was prevented from leaving X when Musk bought it and because an “avatar” of a white female using my meta marketplace and my former Outlook e-mail got me falsely accused and banned from fb with no recourse , I find SUBSTACK co-founder’s ringing endorsement of Musk and Zuckerberg deeply troubling.
Your thoughts after reading Best’s opinion piece are greatly appreciated. VERNONNICKERSONSCHOOLCOACH
Wow what a heart warming piece. Thanks so much for sharing Walter. I know my Aunt and Uncle were married I think 60 years. They both lived here in Arizona. Well written as always friend. Thanks for sharing. Blessings. :) :)
My husband and I have been together for 24 years, we were highschool sweethearts. We've definitely had our ups and downs and one of my #protips is the value of communication. It's so important to just talk to each other, about everything, about the things you love and enjoy but also the things that bother you. The other person cannot mindread, you have to share what you're thinking. So many of our arguments have been solved by just taking the time to really talk it through.
Thank you for that Sophie! That’s lovely, and I have discovered the same thing. I also try to be mindful when my wife is bothered by something, but I have to remember not to push too hard to get her to tell me. Little by little we learn :)
I’m crying reading this in the dentist’s waiting room. I’ve gotten a few funny looks, but I don’t care. In my view, a writer who makes me feel is the most important kind. A beautiful and hopeful piece Mr. Rhein. Thank you.
I’m always intrigued by those depictions of an individual’s life as one long queue of themselves fading into the past and seriously unviewable looking forward. You can mentally look back though science and experience tell me that memory is a shaky instrument. But looking at my brand new grandson I can catch glimpses of my father and others reaching back across time.
Seems to happen after certain re-stacks and comments about the health status of the people setting the planet Earth on ‘fire’ with wars, bombs, their egos…
Well done, Walter. Beautiful piece. Brought tears to this tough Brooklynite’s eyes.
Me, too.
That's a kind thing to say, I appreciate that!
Wow. Incredible. Tears. I have been so depressed thinking about what our country’s future looks like. I’ll try this second-to-second thing. And there is much to collaborate around.
I'm glad it brought you some happiness. I'm trying to offer comforting work :)
Well, it also made me nostalgic. I miss my grown kids so much!
Excellent, poignant Making-of-Memory! Thanks for sharing this wonderful reflection, Walter Rhein☮️🌏🌎🌍☮️🎆👍🖖
Excellent, poignant Making-of-Memory! Thanks for sharing this wonderful reflection, Walter Rhein☮️🌏🌎🌍☮️🎆👍🖖
Greetings, Walter Rhein! Because I was prevented from leaving X when Musk bought it and because an “avatar” of a white female using my meta marketplace and my former Outlook e-mail got me falsely accused and banned from fb with no recourse , I find SUBSTACK co-founder’s ringing endorsement of Musk and Zuckerberg deeply troubling.
Your thoughts after reading Best’s opinion piece are greatly appreciated. VERNONNICKERSONSCHOOLCOACH
Lovely sentiments , and this is the real deal .
Good for you. At 75 I'm just now hitting the right stride, with the occasional skinned knee.
I so enjoyed reading that essay - thank you for sharing.
Best wishes to you and your family.
Wow what a heart warming piece. Thanks so much for sharing Walter. I know my Aunt and Uncle were married I think 60 years. They both lived here in Arizona. Well written as always friend. Thanks for sharing. Blessings. :) :)
Thanks Bill
My husband and I have been together for 24 years, we were highschool sweethearts. We've definitely had our ups and downs and one of my #protips is the value of communication. It's so important to just talk to each other, about everything, about the things you love and enjoy but also the things that bother you. The other person cannot mindread, you have to share what you're thinking. So many of our arguments have been solved by just taking the time to really talk it through.
Thank you for that Sophie! That’s lovely, and I have discovered the same thing. I also try to be mindful when my wife is bothered by something, but I have to remember not to push too hard to get her to tell me. Little by little we learn :)
I’m crying reading this in the dentist’s waiting room. I’ve gotten a few funny looks, but I don’t care. In my view, a writer who makes me feel is the most important kind. A beautiful and hopeful piece Mr. Rhein. Thank you.
You are so kind. Thank you! I hope they were cathartic tears :)
Yes and hopeful ones.
I’m always intrigued by those depictions of an individual’s life as one long queue of themselves fading into the past and seriously unviewable looking forward. You can mentally look back though science and experience tell me that memory is a shaky instrument. But looking at my brand new grandson I can catch glimpses of my father and others reaching back across time.
Thanks for that lovely comment!
(My)Substack account. frozen for 24hrs due to numerous login attempts. Restacks are upsetting somebody.
I hope you get that fixed, please keep me updated.
Logged in via a like to your post.
Seems to happen after certain re-stacks and comments about the health status of the people setting the planet Earth on ‘fire’ with wars, bombs, their egos…
I wish I could write something this touching, personal and profound. 👏
That's very kind of you :)